How To Enable TWS SSL


Experienced member
I've updated to the latest TWS version (I had to upgrade from the website as the 'wiseupdate' wouldn't work).How do you enable ssl?I've also been having a lot of disconnections recentlt -I use AOL dial-up version 8.Has anyone else had this problem?
Jonnyy40, I only use the download version, but when I do next to the login there's a check box for SSL ? hope this helps
I've got the standalone version.I've just downloaded the latest java 1.4.2 - 04 and still can't see where to check ssl.
Have you rebooted!!!

Theres a little box on the login prompt!

Try downloading and installing the latest TWS aswell.

Thanks Jon and Wheez.I contacted IB chat and was informed that ssl is only available on US server.I must have ticked the European server (Zurich)? and it's come back to haunt me.I have to e-mail support at IB and they'll change it but not before the weekend.(Got latest TWS already)
Supplemental Question
Would ssl protect one from snooping at the local exchange?IB sends a key to my computer.Communication is randomised and decoded by our respective keys.Would a direct tap in the exchange be able to overcome this?Would any disconnections deliberately caused in the local exchange be traceable as such?
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean to say they aren't out to get you🙂🙂