Twowaytrade managed account?


Junior member
Anyone heard of the service below?

It somehow spammed it's way into my secret hotmail account, but I've read positive things about the firm on this forum.

Is anyone going to take a punt at it? I'm not sure I'd invest £10k in allowing someone else to punt with my cash. But I'd be interested to see how they perform over a longer period.


We are a full service CFD brokerage and advise intermediate customers on the global equity markets, also offering our own trade recommendations on UK equities.

We launched our recommendation service in July 06, and in that time have achieved a gross profit of around 88% (£8800 on a £10,000 account). We publish our full trade history on the below webpage, for all to see:

(Whilst every effort will be made to emulate past performance, it should not be taken as a guide or guarantee of future performance. Please see the warning notice at the foot of this page)

The auto-traded account simply follows these trade recommendations, removing the hassle of making your own trade decisions. Concentrating on the UK equity market, we place on average 2-3 trades per week, ensuring that accounts are neither overtraded nor overgeared, just focusing on capital preservation and growth. Our in-house technical analysis product TrendSignal is used for the majority of our trading ideas.

So if you want short term exposure to UK equities based on a tried and tested service, give the Twowaymarkets dealing desk a call today on +44 (0)207 060 0467.

The minimum account opening balance for the auto-traded account is £10,000 and we have no maximum. We charge the same commission as an advisory account, but without the hassle. No management fee and no performance fee.


We look forward to hearing from you.