Tutor service required


Junior member
Are there any really good tutor services out there? I mean really intense on-to one coaching (or small group) with live demonstrations .... not with on-the-record guaranteed results but pretty close off-the-record assuarances of making a gain.

I've been SBing a few years now and play about £2K per year and perhaps another £1K when the Mrs isn't looking. Been down at the end of each year ..... losing the whole lot.

Its the inability to find the time to watch the screen that's my problem so when I do get a few minutes free I just bet without proper dedication to techniques .... just gamble.

I need a tutor to teach me the way .... not to a fortune but to teach me how to trade.

I've been to a few courses over the years run by SB companies or individuals but they have involved large gropus of people and just skim the surface of SBing .... have been more for beginners.

I've read many books and have the basic idea of charting but I'm certainly not as knowlegable as some of the forum members on this site - often I have no idea what you're talking about. I want to be knowlegable the way you all seem to be.

Need help please. Thanks
been knowledgable does not mean you will be a good trader. Most of what you need is on this site. Dont waste money on courses,most arent worth it.Look at all the strategies on here and forex factory and take it from there. Your mind is the biggest obstacle in making money.When you lost was it mainly through not having a method and ill discipline. if so then no course will help your overcome that,it has to come from you.
you are gambling... full stop.

hiding what you are doing shows you have a problem gambling.

just stop.
you are gambling... full stop.

hiding what you are doing shows you have a problem gambling.

just stop.

Thanks for the advice. I appreciate the concern but I'm not a hooked gambler ... well I suppose that's what they all say.

Well if I am a gambler I want to break the habit and become a trader. Any further advice on tutoring services?
Thanks for the advice. I appreciate the concern but I'm not a hooked gambler ... well I suppose that's what they all say.

Well if I am a gambler I want to break the habit and become a trader. Any further advice on tutoring services?

I found hectortraders course pretty good but it isn't a one on one tutoring and if you only have a few minutes a day then it won't be any good for you,for that matter I doubt any will.
It's basic trend trading as well so if thats not your thing don't bother

You dont have to pay a penny though all hectors basic methods can be found in this thread

In fact as said above everything you need can be found on this site or others for free,I prefer to have it all in one place so I took the course.
Thanks for the advice. I appreciate the concern but I'm not a hooked gambler ... well I suppose that's what they all say.

Well if I am a gambler I want to break the habit and become a trader. Any further advice on tutoring services?

I think you just answered your own question... you're gambling and not trading.
If you want to trade then stop gambling and trade... you do know the basics and strategies... practice, practice and then practice more.

Just think of trading as job, you have to study first (normal books will do) and then you get experience.

Since you already read books and attended seminars you're ready to trade or gamble. It's your choice.

One thing... if you want to be a successful trader you must have a plan and discipline to follow it.

Good Luck
Trader_Dante runs a small live trading group. He doesn't advertise so you won't find it on google but I have sent a couple of guys there and they seem to really enjoy it. It is very inexpensive and I have popped in a couple of times and it seems pretty good. Send him a PM.

I originally started trading in a live trading room with a great bunch of guys at fx500club run by t2w member danarm. Great education and a very supportive environment.

TIP - good coaching services will give you a free trial and take you month to month because their service sells itself

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am not a vendor, and I am not financially compensated by Trader_Dante or Danarm
Trader_Dante runs a small live trading group. He doesn't advertise so you won't find it on google but I have sent a couple of guys there and they seem to really enjoy it. It is very inexpensive and I have popped in a couple of times and it seems pretty good. Send him a PM.

I originally started trading in a live trading room with a great bunch of guys at fx500club run by t2w member danarm. Great education and a very supportive environment.

TIP - good coaching services will give you a free trial and take you month to month because their service sells itself

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am not a vendor, and I am not financially compensated by Trader_Dante or Danarm

This is probably far better value than many other options because the guy discusses his stuff in here.
