
There seems no limit to your perverted disgusting behaviour, this is the last time i will comment on any of your posts you disgusting little pervert.
So go away and seek attention somewhere else in fact stick your head where the sun dont shine and let of some of your crap on yourself and with a bit of luck you will gas yourself.:clap:

What's perverted about it? Perverted would be suggesting you use it to assist you in your regular frottage sessions.

Wiping your @rse with these systems that you love buying is just practical advice - there is no other conceivable use for them.

Here's something you might be interested in. I think it could make you a lot of money:


Click the tab for "Total Morons Who Are In Denial And Will Buy Anything No Matter How Often They Get Ripped Off" and start raking it in from "The Forex".
Hello has anyone got anything worthwhile to say about TUFXP
I bought it about a year ago and didnt have much luck with it
and stopped using it about 6 months ago.
I am open to ideas for the best way to use it and hopefully make it pay.:idea:

Here you go Donk, this looks perfect for you. It is a famous "Money Making System!!!!"


I'm sure it's every bit as legit as the others you keep buying.
There was a Tufxp system Cahmaster used called the GG system .All records of this system are in his archives and it gave +7000 using a max 30 SL in one year.
You can check it out all the screen shots are there .What amazed me is no one could follow this very simple system without tweaking it and messing it up.
Anyways this is my last comment on this system .so good luck to all of you.
Btw Pazeina i really like your easy system it makes sense