
I think we're getting crossed wires here, the impression I got was Kimo was pointing out other people's misguided reasons for having a downer on profit in these situations, I don't think he was expressing his own view, or at least thats my take on it.
Interesting concept - profiting from people's misfortunes. Pharma companies do ok out of it though. Undertakers too. The insurance industry. I could go on. And on.

Naughty capitalism eh. Bad capitalism. 🙄

It's true. Only poor countries revolt. Why? Because the citizens are not dollared-up.

Money = Content.
As an example when i was drunk this girl who shares mutual lulzy hatred with me, i called her a slut when she was drunk/regretful/crying and when people saw it they assumed i MADE her cry!

The damage si already done
As an example when i was drunk this girl who shares mutual lulzy hatred with me, i called her a slut when she was drunk/regretful/crying and when people saw it they assumed i MADE her cry!

The damage si already done

Hoos Si? He didn't do er backdoors in while she was asleep did ee?
You're right Amit, it is pretty awful but I think people forget just how tiny we are and just how fragile & tenuous our existence is in this universe.
TBH, and I know f**k all about this, with Japan and NZ already, gotta wonder if this has relieved any pressure on san andreas or could that be due the big one?
Seismologists just can't predict when they're going to happen. This might not even be a big one for Japan.
Totally agree. Mother earth does not discriminate, we're just lucky to live in europe.

True dude. True.

BTW, here's that picture I took of you last time we were at Glastonbury in the Healing Fields
