TS2000i - No data available for the selected data range !! after import


Junior member

I have been using TS2000i successfully now for quite a few years.

I have recently tried to import data from ADVFN (UK based website) into Globalserver.

I am using HistoryCentre Pro converter (supported by tssupport.com) to convert the ADVFN CSV file into an XPO data file for import into GlobalServer.

I have experienced a number of issues, but one is particular a show stopper.

I have successfully managed to convert the DAILY CSV data from ADVFN to the XPO format and import it into Globalserver, but I can't seem to chart it on Tradestation.

I get the message

'No data available for the selected data range'

I have checked the data range and it's been set correctly. I have spent a great deal of time trying to diagnose the problem, but am still at a loss as to why this is happening. TS support are not willing to acknowledge the problem. As far as they are concerned, their converter has converted the data successfully and the data can be imported and seen in GlobalServer.

Here are the clues so far:

The problem only occurs with DAILY data conversion. INTRADAY data convert (using HistoryCentre Pro) and import in GlobalServer can be charted successfully.

The same problem occurs on two separate installations of TS2000i on different machines (one on XP, the other on Vista).

In History Centre Pro, you have to specify the Data Source for the data. There is no option for ADVFN, but I specified PCQUOTE and it seems to work (the others come up with a warning that subsystem is not available). TS Support have informed me that the Data Source selection is not important, but I suspect it could be the source of the problem. Having said that, it does not explain why INTRADAY works with the PCQUOTE, but the DAILY data doesn't.

I would appreciate any assistance or direction anyone can offer to resolve this problem.

Thanks in Advance
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Does the data appear in Globalserver and if so can you post a screenshot of it as it may be a date format issue.
Hi, Thanks for the response.

Yes, I can see the data in GlobalServer, and the data of the date appears as it normally does.

I have a attached a screenshot of Global Server


  • GlobalServer.jpg
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Can you export some of the data and attach it to a post then I will download it and see what I can do.
Hi Paul,

I have attached a ZIP file with both the source CSV file for the DAILY data and the converted XPO file (with the symbol TSCO.LN), created with the HistoryCentro Pro ASCII->XPO converter.

As mentioned above, the data does get loaded onto GS (TS2000i), but cannot be charted by tradestation.

I really appreciate your assistance in this matter. Let me know if you require any further information.

Kind Regards,



OK the problem is that GS does not recognise LSE for some reason so change the exchange to something like NYSE which should be fine as you are using EOD data and not intra-day. The attached screenshots should help.


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  • Image3.jpg
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wow !!

Thank you Paul. That has worked indeed !!

It is a bit weird though because GS recognises LSE for the intraday day and allows TS to chart it. I suspect the converter may be at fault here. As part of the conversion process, I have to specify the exchange data (which in this case is LSE), but for reason, GS does not recognise it.

I am intrigued as to how to diagnosed the issue. Were you able to have a more detailed look at the XPO file or did you simply try out different exchanges ?
I am not sure really how I worked it out, probably just experience of using the software and likely issues that can happen.
Hi Paul,

Thanks for helping me out with this issue earlier.

I am now in a situation where I absolutely need to use the LSE exchange for the DAILY ASCII data I am converting from ADVFN to XPO for global Server.

The History Centre Pro is no good due to the above issue. I was wondering if you knew of any other ASCII-XPO converters for TS2000i that would do the job. Or even a workaround to get the data charted on TS2000i

Thanks again.

Issue Fixed

Hello Paul,

Further to my message above, I am pleased to say that the issue is now fixed.

The problem was with the timestamp of the converted data.

In HistoryCentre Pro, there is an option to express time for the conversion. With the default setting of 'Exchange Time (0 mins offset)', the DAILY data for LSE was defaulting to 23:00. I checked this by clicking on 'Modify data' when I view the symbol data in GlobalServer). This timestamp fell outside the defined trading day period for the LSE exchange and as a result Tradestation charting could not chart the data.

This also explains why INTRADAY (with normal timestamps) converted using the HistoryCentre converter could be charted properly but not DAILY data.

Furthermore, when NYSE exchange is selected, the time offer changed to -300, which defaulted the time to within normal trading hours for LSE.

I have fixed the issue by changing the Exchange Time offset to -480, which defaults the timestamp on the daily data to 17:00 (within the trading day of LSE). The daily data can now be charted successfully.

I trust the above information will help other users of History Centre Pro who experience this problem.

Thanks very much for all your help :clap: