TS2000i and Esignal Problem


Hello Everyone,

I am using TradeStation200i in windows vista. I installed E-Signal and its plugin for TS2000i. Though the plugin works as I am able to download data but the problem is in real time. If I click on a symbol in global server and select "Connect Symbol" then in the status there is an "error".

In windows xp it works fine but in vista inspite of so many efforts TS200i's GlobalServer is unable to connect in real time. Using plugin only old data can be downloaded. I also installed TS2000i SP5 but to no result.

I would be grateful if anyone can help.

Thanks a lot,

Rumour has it that Globalserver has problems with Vista.
Stick to XP and SP5 if you can (same as me).
I know but I have a laptop with Vista installed. Thus I cant remove pre installed vista and install xp. So I wanted to know if there was a solution to this problem.
ESignal plugin is needed to download historical data. But if live data feed is fed into global server then i guess the plug in isnt needed. If i am wrong then we have to accept that esignal plugin isnt compatible otherwise global server isnt working properly with Vista (as far as real time data feed is concerned).