TRX Futures


Junior member
Anyone heard of this place? Is in the City and they seem to be a commodities brokerage house that have a day trading operation, they are hiring trainees now, would be glad ot hear if anyone knows anything about them.

Cheers all and have a good christmas and new year.
Has anyone just heard of this place, even if you haven't heard anything about it, is it a name you have heard of, it seems like a very small operation, can take positives and negatives outta that!
Yes I have heard of them. Went into their office about 4 years ago, small operation then. Based in City somewhere. Nice people from what I remember. Haven't heard anything about them since though.

Sorry can't be of more help.
I've known Truxo for many years. Their main business was coffee physicals and futures. Head Office in Germany. They branched out into all areas with the advent of financial futures. They are reputable.
Good luck