Trump Presidency and the Consequences

America in a week's time?


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People who think rationally. If you haven't read them, have a look. Some of those commenting are deranged.

The likes of Timsk and CV get annoyed with the raising of the racist flag but it's important to look at your flanks to see what kind of people are standing shoulder to shoulder with you in your rank and file.

They - some supporters of Trump may not be racist but every racist arayan daft ignorant white so called supremist joins the Trumpy line up.

I think some of those posts highlight the sickos and wackos and their pov very well.

They see and judge issues through the lens of race, us and them. Much less, if any thought based rational intelligent decision making considerations.
The likes of Timsk and CV get annoyed with the raising of the racist flag but it's important to look at your flanks to see what kind of people are standing shoulder to shoulder with you in your rank and file.

They - some supporters of Trump may not be racist but every racist arayan daft ignorant white so called supremist joins the Trumpy line up.

I think some of those posts highlight the sickos and wackos and their pov very well.

They see and judge issues through the lens of race, us and them. Much less, if any thought based rational intelligent decision making considerations.

Watch the vid in post 3027 then get back to us.
Watch the vid in post 3027 then get back to us.
You beat me to it, c_v.

Anyone who thinks that that the extremist rhetoric just spews forth from Trump supporters and that the left are all pure as driven snow really needs to look at a more comprehensive and balanced range of news media. It strikes me that for every wacko on the right, they're matched by two or three on the left. As a general principle, one would do well to remember when looking at U.S. politics that the right have conservative values and, at the heart of those, lies law and order and respect for the police and the judicial system. On the left, to the wo/man they support BLM who, as we all know, want to remove the police and the judicial system. Exremist organisations like BLM will thrive under Biden which is why Trump's supporters are so agitated - amongst many other reasons.
You beat me to it, c_v.

Anyone who thinks that that the extremist rhetoric just spews forth from Trump supporters and that the left are all pure as driven snow really needs to look at a more comprehensive and balanced range of news media. It strikes me that for every wacko on the right, they're matched by two or three on the left. As a general principle, one would do well to remember when looking at U.S. politics that the right have conservative values and, at the heart of those, lies law and order and respect for the police and the judicial system. On the left, to the wo/man they support BLM who, as we all know, want to remove the police and the judicial system. Exremist organisations like BLM will thrive under Biden which is why Trump's supporters are so agitated - amongst many other reasons.

They are all nut jobs. Those who stand by and let them continue are nuts too.

Thankfully we had Brexit and the subsequent struggles which resulted in a purge of these losers.
Trouble is, they may be purged from here but they simply move their operation elsewhere. Clegg being a prime example. Moved to a plum job at farcebook where lefty anarchic views are tolerated with clamp down and de-platforming those on the side of free speech.

Talk about double standards.
the right have conservative values and, at the heart of those, lies law and order and respect for the police and the judicial system.
So are the Trumpetors in the Capitol last week on the left or the right?
So are the Trumpetors in the Capitol last week on the left or the right?
I think your missing the point.
In the playbook for all this (1984) you pitch 2 factions against each other and make them fight amongst themselves. Then they are not pointing the finger at the people RESPONSIBLE for their situation (no job, no home, no food) which are the generational rich who realise the system they created is dysfunctional and now requires a great reset in order to find a new way to milk the working class population.
So are the Trumpetors in the Capitol last week on the left or the right?
Re-read my post - I'm not denying there are extremists on the right - of course there are. The point is that circa 70 million people voted for Trump and the vast majority of them will condemn last Wednesday's events just as I have done.
Meanwhile, there's a clock quietly ticking away in the background.

One strongly suspects that there are many, many things already in motion of which we have but an inkling.

At some point in the next week, we'll find out what they are, and it probably won't be pretty, woke or politically correct.

All the signs are there, for anyone who bothers to look out for them.

This has been coming a long time, and like most calamities, is almost certainly unpreventable by the time you notice it's begun.

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Re-read my post - I'm not denying there are extremists on the right - of course there are. The point is that circa 70 million people voted for Trump and the vast majority of them will condemn last Wednesday's events just as I have done.
Similarly, the vast majority of American people are decent people, who respect law and order, the police and the judicial system whether they be left or right inclined.
Similarly, the vast majority of American people are decent people, who respect law and order, the police and the judicial system whether they be left or right inclined.
Lets hope so.
In real life people are polite, orderly and friendly its in our nature as farmers, the internet allows our inner hunter gatherer free range to do as it wishes, (until its deplatformed).
Similarly, the vast majority of American people are decent people, who respect law and order, the police and the judicial system whether they be left or right inclined.
True Jon, but my point (again!) is that rather more of those on the left support BLM than those on the right. You have only to look at what's been going on for the last four years in places like Portland, Oregon to see who the worst trouble makers are. And they ain't wearin' MAGA hats! Don't get me wrong, I acceopt and agree that there are idiots at both ends of the political spectrum; but Biden and the Dems have to accept their fair share of the blame - that's all. It's a two-way street.
True Jon, but my point (again!) is that rather more of those on the left support BLM than those on the right. You have only to look at what's been going on for the last four years in places like Portland, Oregon to see who the worst trouble makers are. And they ain't wearin' MAGA hats! Don't get me wrong, I acceopt and agree that there are idiots at both ends of the political spectrum; but Biden and the Dems have to accept their fair share of the blame - that's all. It's a two-way street.
Well I can mildly empathise with a mass of people who have been downtrodden for generations purely because they were born with a skin tone a few shades darker than others find acceptable.
The Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, just announced that NY is breaking all contracts with the Trump organisation. That will mean a revenue loss for the organisation of approx $17 million p.a. Well done Bill🤣
The Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, just announced that NY is breaking all contracts with the Trump organisation. That will mean a revenue loss for the organisation of approx $17 million p.a. Well done Bill🤣
And that means absolutely nothing to Trump with his fortune and all the side deals he's set up for his family internationally while in office.
Well I can mildly empathise with a mass of people who have been downtrodden for generations purely because they were born with a skin tone a few shades darker than others find acceptable.
I totally agree postie, only BLM isn't really about rectifying racial injustice and inequality - that's just a clever marketing ploy. Hats off to them - they've played that hand brilliantly. Such a shame that instead of being a force for good and helping to clear away pockets of racism where it still exists, they've managed to create division where previously there was none and undone much of the progress made over the last twenty to thirty years.
Re-read my post - I'm not denying there are extremists on the right - of course there are. The point is that circa 70 million people voted for Trump and the vast majority of them will condemn last Wednesday's events just as I have done.
Those 70million are represented by 211 Representatives who supposedly reflect their views. Yet only 10 of them considered causing the storming of the Capitol worthy of impeachment!
Those 70million are represented by 211 Representatives who supposedly reflect their views. Yet only 10 of them considered causing the storming of the Capitol worthy of impeachment!
The most there has ever been, to side with the opposition, on any impeachment vote.