Trump Presidency and the Consequences

Same way he claims achievement for all his other shiite.

His the POS isn't he. His in charge. This is his job. What else does he do FGS.

This is happening under his watch.

He brakes deals then remakes them but bigger and better than before. ROTFLMAO.

He made the deal with China greater than evar right. Now his not happy.

Said Crona was just a man flu.
Commended the Chinese on their conduct.
Now his dissing them.

Hires wonderful, brightest and best people for jobs coz he knows talent and how to run his business and then fires them.

Such a high turn over of staff at the White House, their HR department must be well naff.

You ain't seen the light yet ave ya? 😱

🤣 🤣
Only by measuring in Lefty Libby could any of this make sense.
Same way he claims achievement for all his other shiite.

His the POS isn't he. His in charge. This is his job. What else does he do FGS.

This is happening under his watch.

He brakes deals then remakes them but bigger and better than before. ROTFLMAO.

He made the deal with China greater than evar right. Now his not happy.

Said Crona was just a man flu.
Commended the Chinese on their conduct.
Now his dissing them.

Hires wonderful, brightest and best people for jobs coz he knows talent and how to run his business and then fires them.

Such a high turn over of staff at the White House, their HR department must be well naff.

You ain't seen the light yet ave ya? 😱

It looks to me like the swamp is still being drained, Trump is an enigma to many. Only another 4 years to go....
🤣 🤣
Only by measuring in Lefty Libby could any of this make sense.

He takes credit for most other stuff (like Obama's achievements) bigging him self up why not this one?

Obama didn't cause the bank crises but dealt with it. Brought on by the Republicans and all the wars if I recall.

People see what they want to see.
He takes credit for most other stuff (like Obama's achievements) bigging him self up why not this one?

Obama didn't cause the bank crises but dealt with it. Brought on by the Republicans and all the wars if I recall.

People see what they want to see.

The Americans liked Obama so much they voted Trump in 😆🤣😆
Dr. Rick Bright's voice should be heard.

Here we have a numpty President who believes he knows best and refuses to take opinions that are in contradiction to his own.

He promotes brown nosed officials into position of power.

He also blames them and fires them soon enough when things don't go that well.

As a leader goes, this numpty has got to be one of the worst leaders EVER.

Thank goodness for the US constitution that limits his powers.
"Thank goodness for the US constitution that limits his powers."

He is a virtual dictator. He can declare war on any excuse at any time. What if Melania kicked him out of her bed last night to put him in a bad mood ??
Congress is fighting back a bit but a system based on fear, money and greed with no morals is in a losing situation imho.
Only a matter of time before stupid people start thinking the POS is stupid too.

Who would take a maleria drug when you don't have maleria, or Corvid19 (as they are tested everyday). Moreover, when you have access to the best medicine and health care on the Globe.

How stupid do you have to be to take a drug you don't need that may induce a heart attack along with good few adverse side affects. Contrary to medical advice?

Makes one wonder how many cells Trumpy has? More of an amoeba than an enigma.
Only a matter of time before stupid people start thinking the POS is stupid too.

Who would take a maleria drug when you don't have maleria, or Corvid19 (as they are tested everyday). Moreover, when you have access to the best medicine and health care on the Globe.

How stupid do you have to be to take a drug you don't need that may induce a heart attack along with good few adverse side affects. Contrary to medical advice?

Makes one wonder how many cells Trumpy has? More of an amoeba than an enigma.

Who would be stupid enough to believe that anyone will develop a vaccine in record breaking time to deal with a virus akin to the common cold. It's not happened in the last 100 years, why would it happen now !
Who would be stupid enough to believe that anyone will develop a vaccine in record breaking time to deal with a virus akin to the common cold. It's not happened in the last 100 years, why would it happen now !

Yes good point there is that one too. 🤔
Because BillG says so.

It could be possible just depends on how much time, money and effort you throw at it.

If you want to cut time and level of testing and acceptance criteria then you maybe skimping on quality. Always trade offs.

Does it matter. If they say they have a vacine all those numpties who believe in Trump and Brexit promises will still believe what is said to them.

The old geezers it doesn't work against will simply be cast off as well they had underlying illness that carrried them off with the Covid-19 which the vacine could do nothing against.

Trump can slice it and dice it anyway he likes and numpties will buy it. I mean look at the people who googled if they could inject bleach or buy hydroxychloroquine?

I believe in Trumps ability to BS big time. He makes Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop look like an amateur. Trump has taken BS to new levels. Highest office in the land even.
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