Trump Presidency and the Consequences

Budget Deficit?... did you mean the US national debt? 2 very different items. Obama (not a republican) still has the largest debt growth while in office.

Besides none of that will cause Trump to be removed from office, which was my main point.


Yes thanks I did mean national debt.

You are right as people will not associate national debt with Trump and Trump doesn't have to continue with bail out of the financial system unlike Obama but the point never the less remains that Trump is giving away tax cuts and loosening up monetary policy to simply win an election.

Raegan and Bush also had debt growth too each pretty much doubling debt. It is simply a trend which doesn't look like it will be rectified anytime soon.

Onwards and forwards to the demise of the dollar standard.
Talking of crippling debts. I think I am right in thinking that Clinton left a surplus. The Democrats seem to pile up reserves whilst Republicans waste it. I prefer the Democrats for another reason and that's they are more globalised and foreigner friendly.
Talking of crippling debts. I think I am right in thinking that Clinton left a surplus. The Democrats seem to pile up reserves whilst Republicans waste it. I prefer the Democrats for another reason and that's they are more globalised and foreigner friendly.

Talking of crippling debts. I think I am right in thinking that Clinton left a surplus. The Democrats seem to pile up reserves whilst Republicans waste it. I prefer the Democrats for another reason and that's they are more globalised and foreigner friendly.

That's for the budget NOT the national debt. See my above post. And you are stating the opposite of who wastes more money.... although neither party is any good.

Goodness only knows how many trillions the US has wasted on The Middle East. With nothing to show for it. They have been fighting each other since Babalonian days and can't seem to get the message that peace equals prosperity.
Oh well let the fools kill each other and sell them more guns and ammo.
Goodness only knows how many trillions the US has wasted on The Middle East. With nothing to show for it. They have been fighting each other since Babalonian days and can't seem to get the message that peace equals prosperity.
Oh well let the fools kill each other and sell them more guns and ammo.

The root cause is not Trump (or A.N.Other President) it's the media/defence/industrial complex constantly lobbying for war, the President is essentially the rubber stamp man (with a reputation and election cycle), remove the lobbyists and you will have gone quite some way to ending needless wars. Major problem is that large parts of the economy depend on the media/defence/industrial complex, reduce war= reduced profits.

Similar scenario exists with the US prison/industrial complex, the private companies running the prisons rely on fee's generated by prisoner numbers, reduced prisoners = reduced profits.
Whoever said Bloomberg will be a breath of fresh air, is sadly mistaken.

" But Bloomberg News will continue to investigate President Donald Trump and his administration, said the editor, John Micklethwait. "
I doubt that they will stoop so low as to ask a foreign Govt's secret service to investigate Trump. Which doesn't mean Trump will not ask another foreign power to investigate Bloomberg.
The situation gets dirtier and dirtier.
" But Bloomberg News will continue to investigate President Donald Trump and his administration, said the editor, John Micklethwait. "
I doubt that they will stoop so low as to ask a foreign Govt's secret service to investigate Trump. Which doesn't mean Trump will not ask another foreign power to investigate Bloomberg.
The situation gets dirtier and dirtier.

Ahem, Steele Dossier ?

Much like an alcoholic cares about his driving.

Yes indeed, one look inside Thunderbergers’ Tesla tells you all you need to know, filled with single use plastic food wrapping, single use beverage containers and fast food takeaway. Whomever is at the wheel of that car is taking us all into a car crash scenario of making the rich richer and the poor poorer, transfer of wealth continues.