Trump Presidency and the Consequences

Yes, it is still rising like a moving freight train. I don't think any president from either political party can stop it. It's up to congress.


Yes but that doesn't tally up with what Trump promised about reducing it to zero in 8 years. Ofcourse he makes many claims and people believe him.

I recently heard he was talking about making the BIGGEST deal in history with the Chinese? I was stunned to hear this considering he is effectively a deal braker rather than maker. So he tears up previous trade agreements and then claims his made new ones. He is more of a clown joker than anyone with an ounce of altruism or realism in his veins.

Here are just two articles.

Unlike Obama who was trying to recover from a global crises, Trump inherited a recovering and growing economy. So the fastest surge in national debt since 2012 should be of concern to all Americans imo.

Man gets elected to reduce national debt but signs tax breaks, leading to fastest surge in national debt. Consequence of Trump. 🤔
Unlike Obama who was trying to recover from a global crises, Trump inherited a recovering and growing economy. So the fastest surge in national debt since 2012 should be of concern to all Americans imo.

I’m not getting the logic of this para! How can Trump be responsible for anything prior to 2017?
My biggest beef with Trump is Climate Change. How he can just say it doesn't exist is just criminal. What if most of the world's top scientists predict catastrophe in the near future if not enough is done to reduce temperatures ? Should one vein fool be allowed to reduce the planet to a seething cauldron ? Just for a few lousy votes and bucks.
No way. I hope the protests spread to the USA.
I’m not getting the logic of this para! How can Trump be responsible for anything prior to 2017?

Thought it was pretty obvious but may be not?

Not holding Trump accountable for anything prior to 2017.

Simply asking the question why is it necessary for the US Government debt to rise so fast during his term? Especially in light of his promise that he would get it down to zero in 8 years.

Reason for the surge post 2008-12 was the global financial crises. Markets required liquidity and Fed averted a crises by bailing out banks as did UK and EU.

Before that it was the Bush war era bombing the shed out of Afghanistan and Iraq.

What is Trump fightin? Nothing. His given away trillions to high income earners in tax cuts the country can not afford.

You capiche now? 🤓
My biggest beef with Trump is Climate Change. How he can just say it doesn't exist is just criminal. What if most of the world's top scientists predict catastrophe in the near future if not enough is done to reduce temperatures ? Should one vein fool be allowed to reduce the planet to a seething cauldron ? Just for a few lousy votes and bucks.
No way. I hope the protests spread to the USA.

Protests don't work in US of A.

Californian fires have come and gone along with Katrina floods and Trump still king.

He made the assertions that windmills cause cancer - apparently. Something to do with noise. Ohh and they kill birds. Like he cares. What a lovely clever man. 🤓
If the point of no return is reached then a whoops, sorry will not be nearly enough. One stupid guy is killing this planet and the US public ignores it. The Democrats could and should nail Trump with Climate Change before it is too late.
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Trump-haters abound and the democrat party hasn't learned any lessons from losing the 2016 election. 2020 will be another loss and they will be scratching their heads for another 4 years.

The legalistic world is also complex.

US House panel holds Attorney General William Barr in contempt
This gets referred to the DOJ for possible prosecution. Since Barr is head of the DOJ he will decide not to prosecute himself. Former Obama AG, Eric Holder, did the same thing when he was held in contempt.

It's all just a public stunt by both parties.

Had to chuckle at the biased BBC this morning, they had the Trump baby blimp (or is it now the Emily Thornbury lookalike blimp) in the Victoria Derbyshire studio.

Queen - Another cuppa Mr. President ?
Trump - No thanks Mam, I brought my own. ( reaches for hidden hipflask ) and says
And call me God. when you address me.