Tribal Wars-browser-based game

ok, but i'm hitting he guy with wave after wave of attack.
it's only a single scout each time, but he's going to get so pissed off and also will never realise when it's a full force on the way 🙂
haha you need to find an empty village. I have found a closer one that is no longer newbie-protected. 😈
If you meet anyone you think should join our merry band... I was looking at other tribes and ours is very small. We could be jumped on easily if a 30-member tribe was to attack all at once. I do however get the feeling that most of the players are a bit thick. To paraphrase Gordon Gekko, if they were to manage a funeral parlour, people would stop dying.
I do however get the feeling that most of the players are a bit thick. To paraphrase Gordon Gekko, if they were to manage a funeral parlour, people would stop dying.

have you taken a look at the forums ?

Nerd alert, nerd alert !!

either you get nerds or obnoxious w+nkers

we're better than that. I say we take our time and pick our allies carefully. look what happened last time as soon as we allied with CWO
Good point.

You can both set up diplomacies and invite people to join our tribe. Might as well.
I was wondering what is better... 100 spearmen or 30 swordsmen and 20 light cavalry? Numbers vs might. In reality, take 1 Jackie Chan and 10 chavs, Mr Chan is going to enjoy the delights that the NHS has to offer.
for what purpose ? Attack, defense or farming ?
100 spears gives you
1,000 Offense; 1,500 Defense; 2,500 Carry - so good for farming

30 Swords gives you
750 Offense; 1,500 Defense; 450 Carry - good for defense

20 LCs gives you
1,600 Offense; 600 Defense; 1,600 Carry - so good for offensive farming

30 swords and 20 LCs gives you
2,350 Offense; 2,100 Defense; 1,600 Carry - but the LC who are normally twice as fast as the Swords will be held up so you lose some of the advantage of their speed.

Looks on paper that if you're intent on farming nearby dormant villages or other easy-pickings, the 100 spears give you the best carry.
BUT the LC is twice as fast, so send them off without the Swords to slow them down, and their haul will be 3,200 in the same time as the 100 spears carry 2,500
I'll translate for you into something you'll understand:
"fibonacci, Wilder, ADX, Stochastic, Pivot Points"
there, you got it now ? 🙂
Gents, it seems that the pair of you are getting more into the swing of things; I attach Wall Street as it stands, can i ask how your villages compare?


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Village overview peace love and harmony village
Village Headquarters (Level 12)
Barracks (Level 7)
Stable (Level 5)
Smithy (Level 8)
Rally point (Level 1)
Statue (Level 1)
Market (Level 3)
Timber camp (Level 10)
Clay pit (Level 8)
Iron mine (Level 8)
Farm (Level 8)
Warehouse (Level 7)
Hiding place (Level 10)
Wall (Level 11)

Spear fighter 0/65
Swordsman 0/125
Axeman 0/43
Archer 54/54
Scout 0/8
Light cavalry 1/10
Mounted archer not yet researched
Heavy cavalry Building requirements have not been met