Some business type once said that '..half my advertising spend is wasted - if only I knew which half..' and this is in essence the conundrum I guess which Travis is dealing with having a portflio of 120 automated systems available.
The funny thing is, it was in trying to find a useful answer to what Travis perceives as this conundrum - ie automating the answer to the question Which systems should trade at which time, ? that I stumbled across across an answer to that question after reading one of his journal posts he made since the investors pulled out. To test this out I then downloaded the first 5 x EA's I could find over at, ie randomly, and then ran a backtest to see how those EA's performed. [I knew nothing about these EA's or their authors so had no prior biases toward any of them]. Since then I applied my formula for which EA should trade at any one time albeit manually (but it could be automated - I just don't have that skill set) and so far the result has been very favourable versus just letting all 5 trade at same time,l ie the difference between a decent return and no return - although I have a limited forward test (1mth) so far. So, as one that remains open minded about automated trading (even at the retail level) I thank him for that, - it may prove to be an important discovery (to me at least.)