Trading with point and figure

There is an ominous quality to the markets resillience in light of so many uncertainties that are doing the rounds. Finding it very difficult to remain bullish.

The 00-zeros for the DOW 20000, SPX 2300 and FTSE 7000 all smack of a decent pull back to me.

I haven't a clue what's coming next. Scalping away with the MAs. :whistling
Morning all,

News didn't get through to Cable this sp 1.235..think rebound to 1.24 possibly 1.245 on the cards...could test 1.232-3 first though ..careful.

Ftse up on cable weakness...testing rez 7200-10...think pullback to 7170-80..

Oil sp 53ish thinking 5350 poss 54...

That's my prism ...could be wrong as always...lets see.

Hmmm....WTI taken a good dump today....Ftse resilient but can't break 7230...cable bumping up to 1.24.

Got stung on WTI today... looking at sp 42 - 4175 for swing trade long....Ftse pullback to 7200.. lets see.