Trading with point and figure

DAX...1 week of data
as we said some time ago...that rez area goes up to 11700
supp marked/aqua 11550
horizontal rez at 11650
add 11600 pivot area

ftse and dax have wide supp areas
bears only interested if those pivot areas become rez on a bounce
scalp shorts only until we get more direction

market cannot decide if green column is a dead cat bounce or a new uptrend
rez starts at 1.2350 area
supp is 1.2200 area

gettin messy


that aqua not broken as yet/internal trendline
decent supp down to 50.00

market cannot decide if green column is a dead cat bounce or a new uptrend
rez starts at 1.2350 area
supp is 1.2200 area

Muddled thinking leads to confusion. I was wondering why cable sank from 1.27 just before xmas and I'm sure Sir Rogers had something to do with it. Insiders, don't you just hate'm.

I think cable volatility will continue as negative & postive newsbites hit the airwaves. :whistling

Agree with 1.22 support but may go lower and much higher depending who is appointed to the vacancy.
G'day folks,

Great charts from Dentist today - very clear.

Think ftse mega rez 7200 - 20. Currently view shorts from that area until breakout or breakdown.
Sp at 7170ish as yesterday, might have another go at 6200 otherwise 7130 sp. Think we will be range bound in 7100 - 200 for quite a while until a variety of events play out into Jan.

Cable - I am looking sp 1.22(as well). Upward moves not convincing atm. 1.23 rez. As Attila say's could go lower (brexit hoo ha) could go 1.21ish. Moves lower present long term buying opportunities imho.

Oil WTI - long term buys on dips. 50.00 mega sp. Anything below 53 could be long term buy. Think we will be in mid 60's - 70 by year end.

Take all above with pinch of salt as this is my analysis (today lol).

But I am trading it as I see it!
Catching up on some Uni work today so setting orders and stops, see if that works for me.

Yell if we get any extremes, cheers.