Trading with point and figure

Ok fair enough.... quite a few rallies sold today. Think we might go down a bit yet before a pump.... lets see.

Usually these gaps go the same day, but occasionally they can take up to a week to fulfill, im sure there will be enough volatility over the next week with the things that are happening in the next 7 days, to send the markets all over the place :-0
posted on Saturday morning....LAUGHABLE
was bearish then ...missed all the bear moves today

in the back of my mind....its a failing bull flag after seeing SPX price action

price gettin squeezed....ready for a pop

Wondering how greedy to get with Oil. :rolleyes:

There is a lot of support between 44-46.

Now thinking it may test 44.75 and $45 may become the new 50???

If indeces continue cooling off oil will follow I reckon.