Trading with point and figure

Lots of serious supp below us


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that is the latest down move on spx from 11.45 this morning
2055 is trend supp
it will either consolidate or new rally

it could even break lower and start a new downtrend
Well that wasnt my best day, spent most of it not believing what I was seeing and stood on the side, it was safer there!
not an easy day..especially the morning
the problem being that that downtrend took time to build ..with a heck of alot of whipsaw
the easy bit was the latest rally
some of the downmoves were missed..even on tick it was a bit crazy
even when you try and move around box sizes and cannot follow the action
a lesson learnt by me aswell..if it is whipsawing and you are finding it difficult...then try and pick off the break of trend
no other way ..imho