Trading with point and figure


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euro good one to watch, if that rises dax will plummet
This is a plea to all fellow members to do everything possible to ensure the scenario described by boyplunger does not happen. Buy the Dax! Join me by going all in 100%. I need the Dax to rise to help push the Euro back down. The reason being that I'm going to Portugal in the New Year and my wife asked me to load up our currency card with Euros a few weeks back when it was really low. Needless to say, I told her to stay calm and I'll buy at the bend at the end of the trend. "I'm a trader, trust me, I know about this stuff" I said. Needless to say, I forgot all about it until yesterday, by which time it was too late. To buy myself a bit of time, I rushed into my wife's office to turn the radio off so she wouldn't here the news. But I was too late for that too. One unhappy wifey. To cut a long story short, my gonads are on the chopping block. So chaps, I'm banking on you to help me out. I'm sure the collective might of the subscribers to the thread can swing the Dax a few hundred points no problem!
Buy the Dax!
FYI post-NFP no change lol, serves me right for buying way OTM (with IG), will update later if anything changes...
This is a plea to all fellow members to do everything possible to ensure the scenario described by boyplunger does not happen. Buy the Dax! Join me by going all in 100%. I need the Dax to rise to help push the Euro back down. The reason being that I'm going to Portugal in the New Year and my wife asked me to load up our currency card with Euros a few weeks back when it was really low. Needless to say, I told her to stay calm and I'll buy at the bend at the end of the trend. "I'm a trader, trust me, I know about this stuff" I said. Needless to say, I forgot all about it until yesterday, by which time it was too late. To buy myself a bit of time, I rushed into my wife's office to turn the radio off so she wouldn't here the news. But I was too late for that too. One unhappy wifey. To cut a long story short, my gonads are on the chopping block. So chaps, I'm banking on you to help me out. I'm sure the collective might of the subscribers to the thread can swing the Dax a few hundred points no problem!
Buy the Dax!


thats unlucky yday was a huge rally, dont think it will reverse just yet.