Trading with point and figure

possible pivot areas
straight into our 9850-9875 area
bulls in ???
Well that went a little deeper than I expected!

Went long too early but just escaped with a few on that spike!
FTSE bullish momentum building? (Oil price + sell off this am + where can the money go?) Expect short covering to push up price till we get a feel for US. Scalps off 6150? 6170? groundhog?! lol
Nice little rise whilst I was doing a quick shop at Asda!

Earnt more than I spent, whats not to like.
Did we overshoot a little here? You can see once we got the up move going we had a break out at first blue line then a pull back and bounce off it, then it broke through the red trend all the way uo to 10k plus. Now is it taking a breather or is that the top for the moment?

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