Trading with point and figure

pivot areas marked

How many times do you think the dax price changes in a 24 hour period? (i.e. how many ticks) - answers on a postcard please, and don't cheat :)

I will post the answer tomorrow.
007, I assume you went long @ 2096 area, did you close at 2103, or are you still holding?

I expected it to go up to 2105/6 but................... lol
How many times do you think the dax price changes in a 24 hour period? (i.e. how many ticks) - answers on a postcard please, and don't cheat :)

I will post the answer tomorrow.

Not enough fingers on my hands, sorry!

When are us lesser mortals getting streaming?? :)
How many times do you think the dax price changes in a 24 hour period? (i.e. how many ticks) - answers on a postcard please, and don't cheat :)

I will post the answer tomorrow.

Using my slide rule and Sinclair ZX I have computed its

Circa 50,000 times.
Not enough fingers on my hands, sorry!

When are us lesser mortals getting streaming?? :)

Hah I knew that would wet your appetite :cool:
Well considering I only got it roughly working yesterday it's going to need a fair bit more testing before it's ready - plus I currently it's running in a windows app so I need to build a web interface for it next... but you're first on the list, be assured it's very cool :innocent:
007, I assume you went long @ 2096 area, did you close at 2103, or are you still holding?

I expected it to go up to 2105/6 but................... lol
yes..went long
but you must start tightening stops before you get into the res area
2102.50 was the obvous chice to tighten/prev supp on 1 min
long trades..tighten if price approaches any res area you have identified
if you get stopped can always reenter
follow the price upwards and trim the stop to 1 box underneath the volatility stop
long trades..tighten if price approaches any res area you have identified
if you get stopped can always reenter
follow the price upwards and trim the stop to 1 box underneath the volatility stop

Thanks, as you know I dont usually trade SnP but trying to follow your method
with it. I was as you say too loose with my stops still got out with a few but wasted a few as well! lol

2104 res tested..we had 2105 area..nearly right...but we got excellent movement
res area on dax workin well...10450 isgh
oil bounced from our 43 area we marked