Trading with point and figure

res area goes up t0 10290 area


no real sign of any bears
a closer look
a possible real confirmation
looks bullish still...but a highish box size
supports areas shown
add in 9900/round

is it a top or a pullback ?? you cannot tell as yet...
stack of horizontal supp


price bounced off horizontal supp on Friday
Afternoon people :)
A quick update on my coding, I've moved the test site to the cloud (Microsoft Azure) so you will be redirected if you use the old URL, new URL is

I've spent the last couple of days reading up on Relative Strength (RS) and more specifically the Relative Strength Matrix which the P&F stalwart Dorsey Wright uses(invented?).
A basic explanation/intro of the Matrix is on the below link, but essentially it's multiple P&F charts of RS which then creates and a orders a grid of securities by their bullish or bearishness.

I've created a new section on the test site and I'll be working on that in the coming week - I figure a bit of P&F could no doubt help both my long-term portfolio as well as my day-trading.
in a potential supp area
50% of pole /aqua
green pivot underneath at 2062-2066
red trendline/supp 2053-2056
then 2050/prev breakout
goin either way
pivot at 10k now/aqua
prev supp 10024-10035 area
horizontal supp at 9930-9945
trend supp 9900 area