Trading with point and figure

you should keep a thread for what you're doing. Its hard back tracking through Dentists posts to get to your API..
you can kind of see just how much time must go into producing a package a slick as Updata's..or any of them for that matter

Yes to lots of hard work, it's a lot more complicated that it first appears that's for sure. Yes I'll certainly consider a thread when I'm ready for more input- right now it's early days and I don't want to be inundated with requests/bug reports so I'd rather keep it low key for the moment!

I was also listening to this Bloomberg Dorsey Wright interview which was pretty interesting, especially the part how they produce 7.5 million P&F relative strength charts every night looking for correlations etc... right now I'm struggling to get 1 chart right lol :)
dax into the open
not too bearish
downtrend taken out
seems to be in area of reasonable supp
lets see what happens

spx downtrend channel marked..could easily break upwards

thick red ,,bulls happy if that supports..even happier if purple supports
could go either way