Trading with point and figure

care here
bulls or bears can turn this chart

from those inputs
prev supp starts at 9684 area
trend res 9696 area
9624 minor trend supp
aqua 9600
9576 is green
keep an eye on lilac line area..mark that on candle charts...if we get a deeper pullback..bulls happy if lilac holds in 9480 area
lets see
first is 9550/round..then 9504..ish
anything possible today[/QUOTE

9480 hit
Rally time......maybe
I've been out for most of today so only a little progress, I have added a CSV upload facility, so you can test your own data against my P&F logic.

Currently the supported CSV's are MT4 and Google Finance - let me know if you have an issue uploading and I can then tailor the uploader to cope with any potential different CSV formats.

On the main charting page you then;
  1. change Source to "SQL"
  2. pick the appropriate upload from "Market"
  3. change the "Resolution" to match the time resolution of the data you just uploaded
  4. press "Refresh Plot"

Note: When uploading you can add an (optional) label to differentiate multiple uploads.
bullseye and updata plot all the data in that file on to the plot area...which is a defined size
you can then adjust box /reversal and zoom
that does not happen with get a small chart or a massive one...a real pain
I've been out for most of today so only a little progress, I have added a CSV upload facility, so you can test your own data against my P&F logic.

Currently the supported CSV's are MT4 and Google Finance - let me know if you have an issue uploading and I can then tailor the uploader to cope with any potential different CSV formats.

On the main charting page you then;
  1. change Source to "SQL"
  2. pick the appropriate upload from "Market"
  3. change the "Resolution" to match the time resolution of the data you just uploaded
  4. press "Refresh Plot"

Note: When uploading you can add an (optional) label to differentiate multiple uploads.

I had trouble loading ...


  • bt.a (1).csv
    11 KB · Views: 82