Trading with point and figure

Good Morning: The Long & the Short of it and The Bigger Picture - 23 March 2020 - ADM ISI



Ostwald, Marc
08:20 (5 minutes ago)

to Marc

- Coronavirus news in all forms the only focal point



The Coronavirus news flow will continue to be the only items of any note, both in terms of spread and the run of Armageddon like headlines about the projected collapse in global growth and rise in Unemployment, which appear to be a case of estimating how exponentially much worse than the 1930s. The models that underpin these estimates are to be honest worthless, based on distributions and patterns of activity which are very simply of no relevance or value. As but one example, it looks to be the case that Unemployment trends are in effect a leading rather than a lagging indicator.

The Week Ahead - focal points:

- Covid19 spread across Europe & N. America; China restart progress?

- March surveys - PMIs, Ifo, CBI & other Europe national business &

- US jobless claims seen shooting up 750K; anecdotal evidence from around
the world on layoffs will remain key

- Doubtless more central bank measures, though Fed is basically targeting
everything other than ETFs already; Govt fiscal and other legislative

- Quarter end: banks should be fine given relaxation of capital, reserve
rules, but corporate sector probably more challenged, it is also Japan
financial year end, and USD shortage above all offshore still v evident;
late rush of IG corporate issuance ($35 bln 'guesstimated') - how much
more will credit spreads continue to widen? Volatility to remain high

- EU leaders meeting (via teleconference)
Mornin folks 🤪 🤪 😜 😍 😎 😎 🤣 😀 👍 👍 😎😎🤪🤪🤪😍😍😍