Trading with point and figure

Good Morning: The Long & the Short of it and The Bigger Picture - 1 November 2019 - ADM ISI



Ostwald, Marc
08:34 (22 minutes ago)

to Marc

- PMIs and US Labour data dominate start of month schedule, plenty of Fed
Speakers, US Auto Sales and Construction Spending also due

- PMIs: manufacturing sector woes well documented, rather less cyclical
and rather more structural due to auto & telecom/tech woes - nothing to
see here?

- US Labour data: GM strike expected to hit payrolls hard, making trend
extrapolation difficult


A new month gets under way and features Manufacturing PMIs in much of the world (though not much of continental Europe due to the All Saint's Day holiday in a number of countries), with the overnight session having seen South Korean Trade, along with CPI from Indonesia, South Korea, Thailand & Switzerland. The US labour data is the other stand out feature and is accompanied by US Auto Sales & Construction Spending and a raft of Fed speakers.

** World - October Manufacturing PMIs **
- The Manufacturing sector remains under a cloud around the world, and as much as it would be easy to blame trade tensions, above all between US & China, for most of the headwinds; the structural headwinds for the auto and telecom/tech sectors, effectively the two largest footprint sectors both in consumption and employment terms, cannot be underestimated. A cursory look at the run of overnight reports in Asia (very mixed, China Caixin better that expected but followed weak NBS PMI reading) and forecasts for European, UK and Americas PMIs merely underscores the weak profile, but this is now more than well known, and very few would try and put some 'lipstick on the pig', even if the temptation to look for an inflection point gets ever larger.

** U.S.A. - October Labour market report **
- As forecasts make abundantly clear, there is going to be a substantial drag from the GM UAW strike, with headline Payrolls seen at 85K and Private Payrolls at just 80K, with Manufacturing Payrolls expected to fall 55K due to the strike. Per se, it will be a trickier task to extrapolate about underlying trends, even though a downside surprise will doubtless set market chatterati tongues wagging about such an outturn being a 'game changer' for the Fed, after this week's rates pause signal. Be that as it may, the other metrics are forecast to show the Unemployment Rate edging up from its 50-yr low of 3.5% to 3.6%, though it is the Underemployment Rate (last 6.9%, an 18-yr low) which may be more salient, along with an expected downtick in the Labour Force Participation Rate to 63.1% from a 6-yr high of 63.2%. Average Weekly Earnings will as ever garner plenty of attention, and are expected to recover from an unexpected flat m/m reading in September to 0.3% m/m, which was the average in the summer months. But should outliers (relative to forecasts) and revisions prove to be modest, markets will likely revert their attention to US/China Trade and the impeachment inquiry.

========================== ** THE DAY AHEAD ** ===========================


# Holidays: Chile, Cote d'Ivoire, Croatia, Ecuador, Hungary, Lithuania, Mauritius, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Slovakia & Slovenia - All Saint's Day

Sweden 10:30 Riksbank's Ingves talks about economic situation and
current monetary policy
U.S.A. 13:30 Dallas Fed's Kaplan participates in moderated Q&A at
the Rice Energy Finance Summit
16:00 NY Fed's Williams participates in Newark Anchor
Collaborative Roundtable conversation
17:00 Fed's Quarles speaks on "Friedrich Hayek and the
Price System" at Yale University
17:00 Fed's Clarida speaks on current economic trends and
monetary policy at the Japan Society
18:00 NY Fed's Williams participates in moderated Q&A on
the economy
Colombia 18:00 BanColombia Monetary Policy Meeting minutes
USA/Canada Sunday Clock go back (NY: GMT -5 hrs)

- Govt Bond Auctions / Buybacks
Australia 00:00 AUD 800 Mln 1.50% 2031 ACGB
India 09:30 INR 100 Bln total 2024, 7.69% 2043, 7.72% 2049 Govts
South Africa 11:00 Size t.b.c. 1.875% 2029, 2,25% 2038 &
2.50% 2050 I-L Govts

- Corporate Earnings:
Avanti Communications (Yr) • Danske Bank (Q3 3.42) • DSV Panalpina (Q3 6.50) • JPMorgan Mid Cap Investment Trust (Yr) • Millennium & Copthorne Hotels (Q3) • Novo Nordisk (Q3 4.08) // AbbVie (Q3 $2.30) • AMAG Pharmaceuticals (Q3 $-0.66) • American Axle & Manufacturing (Q3 $0.45) • AIG (Q3 $1.00) • Buckeye Partners (Q3 $0.66) • Cheniere Energy (Q3 $0.04) • Chevron (Q3 $1.46) • Colgate-Palmolive (Q3 $0.70) • DISH Network (Q3 $0.60) • Dominion Energy (Q3 $1.1) • Exxon Mobil (Q3 $0.67) • Floor & Décor (Q3 $0.26) • LyondellBasell Industries (Q3 $2.76) • Mednax (Q3 $0.92) • Newell Brands (Q3 $0.58) • Seagate Technology (Q1 $0.99) • Sempra Energy (Q3 $1.47)


****************** MEDIAN

New Zealand 21:00 Oct ANZ Consumer Confidence
Australia 21:30 Oct AiG Manufacturing PMI
22:00 Oct final CBA Manufacturing PMI
23:00 Oct CoreLogic House Prices
South Korea 23:00 Oct CPI Flat (m) -0.3% (y)
23:00 Oct Core CPI 0.6% (y)
Japan 23:30 Sep Jobless Rate 2.2%
23:30 Sep Jobs to Applicants Ratio 1.59

South Korea 00:00 Oct Trade Balance $4.874 Bln
00:00 Oct Exports -13.6% (y)
00:00 Oct Imports -13.7% (y)
00:30 Oct Manufacturing PMI
Australia 00:30 Q3 PPI
05:30 Oct RBA Commodity Prices Index (SDR)
Taiwan 00:30 Oct Manufacturing PMI
Malaysia 00:30 Oct Manufacturing PMI
Japan 00:30 Oct final Manufacturing PMI 48.5
05:00 Oct Vehicle Sales
Thailand 00:30 Oct Manufacturing PMI
04:00 Oct CPI 0.08% (m) 0.3% (y)
04:00 Oct Core CPI 0.43% (y)
07:30 Oct Business Sentiment Index
Indonesia 00:30 Oct Manufacturing PMI
----- Oct CPI 0.17% (m) 3.29% (y)
----- Oct Core CPI 3.32% (y)
Vietnam 00:30 Oct Manufacturing PMI
Myanmar 00:30 Oct Manufacturing PMI
Ireland 01:01 Oct Manufacturing PMI
China 01:45 Oct Caixin Manufacturing PMI 51.0
India 05:00 Oct Manufacturing PMI
Peru 05:00 Oct Lima CPI 0.12% (m) 1.9% (y)
Russia 06:00 Oct Manufacturing PMI 48.4
Turkey 07:00 Oct Manufacturing PMI
Sweden 07:30 Oct Manufacturing PMI 47.0
Switzerland 07:30 Oct CPI Flat (m) Flat (y)
07:30 Oct Core CPI 0.4% (y)
07:30 Sep Retail Sales (real)
08:30 Oct Manufacturing PMI 45.3
Norway 08:00 Oct Manufacturing PMI 50.2
09:00 Oct Unemployment Rate 2.1%
Netherlands 08:00 Oct Manufacturing PMI
Czech Rep. 08:30 Oct Manufacturing PMI 45.0
Hong Kong 08:30 Sep Retail Sales (Value) -25.6% (y)
08:30 Sep Retail Sales (Volume) -28.5% (y)
Greece 09:00 Oct Manufacturing PMI
South Africa 09:00 Oct ABSA Manufacturing PMI 41.8
----- Oct Naamsa Vehicle Sales -3.5% (y)
U.K. 09:30 Oct Manufacturing PMI 48.2
Denmark 10:00 Oct Danish PMI
Nigeria ----- Oct FBN Capital Manufacturing PMI
Brazil 11:00 Oct 31 FGV CPI IPC-S -0.05% (m)
12:00 Sep Industrial Production 0.7% (m) 1.5% (y)
13:00 Oct Manufacturing PMI
18:00 Oct Trade Balance $1.175 Bln
----- Sep CNI Capacity Utilization (SA) 78.4%
----- Oct Vehicle Sales Fenabrave
U.S.A. 12:30 Oct Non-farm Payrolls 85K
12:30 Oct Private Payrolls 80K
12:30 Oct Manufacturing Payrolls -55K
12:30 Oct Unemployment Rate 3.6%
12:30 Oct Average Hourly Earnings 0.3% (m) 3.0% (y)
12:30 Oct Average Weekly Hours 34.4
12:30 Oct Labor Force Participation Rate 63.1%
12:30 Oct Underemployment Rate
13:45 Oct final Manufacturing PMI 51.5
14:00 Oct Manufacturing ISM 49.0
14:00 Oct ISM Prices Paid 50.0
14:00 Sep Construction Spending 0.2% (m)
----- Oct Wards Total Vehicle Sales 17.0 Mln
Canada 13:30 Oct Manufacturing PMI
Colombia 15:00 Oct Manufacturing PMI
15:00 Sep Exports (FOB) $3.11 Bln
Mexico 15:30 Oct Markit Manufacturing PMI
18:00 Oct IMEF Manufacturing PMI 47.7
18:00 Oct IMEF Non-Manufacturing PMI 48.0
Italy 17:00 Oct New Car Registrations


Global Strategist & Chief Economist

ADM Investor Services International Limited
A Subsidiary of Archer Daniels Midland Company
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2 Lam


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