Trading with point and figure

lining up
Not had a good 18 months, firstly problems with my Son, then my own health has taken a knock, A mini stroke
has affected my sight but I think medication has it under control, fingers crossed.
Good to hear from you.Are you able to trade.?
Time for my afternoon nap

Yes, just the one eye but the vision comes back after a short period! They are feeding me Clopidogrel to keep the arteries free.
Did the DVLA get back your licence.They did with me 9 years ago.I have Glaucoma which gave me some loss of visual field....Hence All the crap trades......
DVLA were right.I would not want to live with myeself if i caused an accident
the beauties of growing
Did the DVLA get back your licence.They did with me 9 years ago.I have Glaucoma which gave me some loss of visual field....Hence All the crap trades......

No still have my licence but I have stopped driving, didnt fancy having an attack on a motorway or something!