Trading with point and figure

I'd quite like to buy EG ....

The 5 min chart is bearish and I'd either be looking to buy at the very minor pivot just above .8800 or at one of the various points of support that extend down toward .8750

Long .8795 Target .8830
I've been fiddling about with the CAC ( this sounds worse than it is, I promise) and so I'm sharing the full glare of my 40 watts with you.

Have just bought at 5425 and have a modest target of 5450

The 5min is bearish but it's sitting just above some decent support so whilst it might be a bit premature I reckon that the volatility will get it there later on today....pleeeeeese:)

...going in the right direction but praps 45 Dentist-style might have been better:)