Trading with point and figure

There was another story re oil production cut, but its the same one as last week so oil dropping back now

approx 240 point range in that downmove from this chart
A pullback to a fib implies 50 point down
From this chart 1938 to 1950 is the 50% area
Nice rally on afriday to that area
Lets see what happens
worked exceptionally well
price had rallied to that 50% of the bias was a p/b this morning..followed by a rally to retest that 50% area
job done
1 minut
shows the trend over the last 2.5 hours..ish
no signal to go short


1 min data
box size 0.48 points
1 reversal
close plot
a pretty sensitive chart
we were in our res area that we marked early this morning
but signal to go short
so we kept long and followed the trend
our res area does go up to 1950 area...lets see what happens
as you see....we did not call the levels..we just had a possible signal to go short...very important
1 min dax
we were negative bias at the open..cos price had moved into test 50% area we marked on spx
break of yellow at 8am
down we went
messing around 9660
then a new rally started at 3pm

break of downtrend ..then a consolidation..ready for the upmoves


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Good morning. Dax into open, waiting for some direction


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