Trading with point and figure

Long EG at .8803 - just 1L ahead of the numbers.

.8795/.8800 is an earlier area of support


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Doing quite nicely for me too. This is turning out like yesterday in that Daxy's paying for what EG should be giving me - Still 40 pips to go though:) own thoughts

if there is the slightest sniff of a trade deal....GBP should rocket
Even coal to Newcastle


I think the mood is pretty desperate at the moment and any deal will be seen as THE deal. I've been looking at some other pairs to trade (rather than EG) until we get over the bump, hence me not doing much of late.... I'm still doing the other hedging stuff I mentioned and that's still chugging along, a couple % here and there.
there is a 1000 point range between big supp and big rez
24500 seems to be big supp area
25500 big rez we plotted yesterday

could be a real hummer today