Trading with point and figure

in supp/was prev rez

Morning all

Hospital today, so no trading.
Looks a bit quiet anyway.

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Added another one at .8854

Morning all,

Sorry to hear about ML's recall notice from Baron Victor - at least it's just the brain, which is a pretty useless organ anyway:)

Well, once again I found myself in one of my submarine trades - I was originally long at .8870, then added one at .8854 at the same time and went short on EJ 1L at 135.80.

EJ only went as well as it did because of the Yen shenanigans and seems to me as if it might turn and EG is doing God knows what so I'm taking my courage in both hands and throwing it out of the window.....

Finding myself in a small profit which I don't deserve I've just closed out at .8820 on the EG longs for -84 and at 134.40 on the EJ short for +140, leaving me at +56 for 3 days.

Ah well, per ardua ad nauseam:sleep:


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I thought last night performance was a prelude to a top, now I am not so sure.

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