Trading with point and figure


has a big wodge of horizontal supp if 13K breaks...could go anywhere in that

Looking towards 13k for some support again, same as last evening

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After yesterday's largely underwhelming central bank bonanza, and the much better than expected US and UK Retail Sales, today's schedule of data and events is rather meagre, with the focus on the EU leaders meeting, that is accompanied by an expected rate cut in Russia and US Industrial Production and NY Fed Manufacturing survey. It is also "quadruple witching" in equity markets.

** Russia - Rate Decision **
Bank Rossi still has plenty of room to cut rates, with inflation remaining very subdued at 2.3% y/y and the RUB trading in a very steady range around 59.0 vs USD, Hence it is no surprise that the central bank is expected to cut by a further 25 bps to 8.0%, and there looks to be scope to cut at least to 7.0% during 2018. As ever Nabiullina will likely be cautious in terms of longer-term signals on the rate outlook, after getting strong backing from President Putin this week for her inflation targetting approach, and her very resolute efforts to clean up Russia's banking system.

** U.S.A. - Nov Industrial Production **
- After a stellar 0.9% m/m in Production and an even stronger 1.3% m/m in Manufacturing Output in October, due in no small part due to post hurricanes reconstruction work, November is likely to a more moderate 0.3% m/m gain on both measures. Prior to that there is the NY Fed Manufacturing survey, which as with other surveys is expected to remain at a historically strong 18.8, though slightly lower than November's 19.4, though the surge to a fresh record high in the NFIB Small Businesss Optimism earlier this week would seem to suggest some upside risks.

from Marc Ostwald