trading while doing my day job

has anyone mentioned teamviewer, and the power of USB sticks - IT staff can be control freak w*nkers, but as long as your machine has a USB port the power is by definition with you not them because they can only account for and therefore block what is within their system. Even if it hasn't, you can mail yourself programs, or dress them up zip them etc so IT don't get their filthy jobsworth snouts a-sniffing -They only have control over what's within their network but a USB stick can bring something from outside their network , if teamviewer doesn't work, why not set up an application to use your home PC as a server, they'd not know to block that because it's not commercially known as a proxy. If not, Teamviewer can go through most firewalls to remote control a home PC , if not look into proxies that aren't known or blacklisted.

I stream quotes into excel and format them so it looks like work to the untrained eye, then have a macro there to refresh it whenever the boss isn't about,and in future i'll write a macro to place orders so it isn't just watch it's interactively watch, I can presently place orders from the mobile or through teamviewer. The PC at home is programmed to fire up at certain times via use of scheduled tasks/hibernate etc

The whole thing appeals to my sense of rebellion , I love getting one up on IT, I don't need to be paid to enjoy doing that but it is especially sweet when it is making me money at the same time while they sit there sour faced "moderating" this that everything in the company. The slowest way to get rich is making money for a boss, the boss knows this so wants your undivided attention. Trading doesn't harm my day job, but eventually with some luck, trading will replace my day job.

Andy with your talents you will go far

can yuo programme mt4 😛 ?

its like most programming languages, so you can quite easily jump in and adapt it; at first changing variables, then as confidence grows changing parameters and procedures but no I've not learned it as such, I just have a programming background so can learn by example rather than by book. What's keeping me busy in MT4 at the moment is something i've seen others refer to doing on this forum, it's very possible to get your quotes from sharescope /other into excel, then load up that into MT4 albeit by a different name, then run your experts on your shares and simulate as if it were forex. That's useful cause it bridges MT4 forex (usually free online) with shares - for which data isn't as readily free. Anyway long story short I want to see a line up over time and not 4 out of 4 since 1980 must mean 100% strike, no, you need hundreds of trades for consistency.

But in my opinion of it, you write a profitable EA which I have done now several times, and as long as its a big data set and you repeat it on other shares, that's pretty much the ultimate stand or forever fall test of TA, end of, full stop, because statistically speaking EVEN IF you are unlucky enough to write an EA right on the top of a (*as yet unseen) change, you apply it to say 6 or 7 other shares see it's profitable on them, now you're at a point where either you're incredibly apt at predicting the tops of 6 or 7 hills, or TA is a load of old horse s*** and you need to get fundamental on things or get broke. In other words, if you have a curving upwards EA, and the data is a good large set, then it SHOULD work, or TA is disproven as at the heart of the very definition of technical analysis and all the ever growing set of indicators that comes with it is that history repeats itself and that is exactly what EA's can measure. History MUST repeat itself on the EA, because if it doesn't, we're pursuing false flags for randomness. Someone said to me once the trouble with TA is it is now an arms race, but it's actually just increasing exponentially in efficiency, as EA's and the net make this possible. We're finally beginning to see what works, ie.. the MMA of the trading world is now upon us , and we should be able to answer whether TA is working or not and if so what TA. And I think it's going to keep flipping. paper scissors rock.

MT4 really is a simple machine to process data, get the data, format it right in excel and that's all you need other than your EA of course, another application of MT4 that may produce dizzying insight is the application of betfair/bet data , exactly the same way, for analysis - think of all those irrational punters who just want their team /player to win, I think my cat could write a winning EA on those markets.......
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Never trade wirelessly... it's dangerous because the signal isn't as secure and reliable as it can be. I suggest using a landline connection or any type of non wi-fi and router signal.
Id focus on your job when your at work, and your hobby when your at home. if youre not careful, you may not have a job to support your hobby.
Never trade wirelessly... it's dangerous because the signal isn't as secure and reliable as it can be. I suggest using a landline connection or any type of non wi-fi and router signal.

Spoken like a complete novice.

Provided you are not using an unencrypted public network and you are not using a WEP connection then you should have no problems with your signals being intercepted.

Also - virtually all trading websites will put their own encryption on top of the network encryption - so even if your packets were intercepted they wouldn't make sense to anyone without the necessary decryption keys from the SB/Brokers themselves.

The options you have are:

  1. Get an android/iPhone mobile and trade via that. Most of the big SBs have apps now. It's discreet and no-one can see what you are doing.
  2. Get a small netbook with either a 3G/HSDPA USB dongle or tether it to your mobile. You'll have full functionality (mobile apps often have missing features) and performance with HSDPA is as good as broadband.
  3. Try the android browser links on your computer, they'll work with internet explorer/firefox and often aren't blocked like the main website might be. e.g. IG indexes android interface is here... IG Index Android. It's also useful if you have poor bandwidth.
Even the professional and knowledgeable traders who were trading for so long also have to learn new things each day, and every trade is a new and valuable experience to be honored, for it will certainly teach new lessons and thus will making you the most successful trader ever.