trading which products make most money?

I am thinking to apply for a trader position and I realised that different firms trade slightly different products and concentration
Trading which product I will make the most money, if I could choose among equity options and underlying shares ; equity-index derivatives; baskets of shares: government bonds, cash and derivatives; commodities; foreign exchange in spot and derivative markets; convertible notes; sector-index derivatives; and exchange traded funds.

There are statistical trading, black box trading, Quantitative trading, algorithmic trading and some other types of trading.
I am wondering which type of trading will benifit me the most and I could learn and develop the most for trading at home later.
I want to develop my skills while I am working and afterwards I could just get my money and work at home.

Thanks a lot for your opinions.

Doudou 🙂sleeping🙂 ,

I am sure you know very well that most traders do not make a living from their trading.
very very few manage to live off their trading income , and even fewer really make it big. I am assuming you are not blinded by the image of " trader= having loads of money". Though in tradional jobs, the company you work with will be an important factor in how good you become at your job, ..., trading is a bit different : the end result only depends on you. You can be shown different trading techniques, different markets, different organisation..., but at the end of the day, you are more l-i-k-e-l-y to be part of the army of poor traders.
If you go in trading for the money: forget about it : you will not sustain the shear effort to be good - or even excellent at it.

Now if you want better odds of making tons of money : go into an IB/HF and get into a position where you take a percentage of (good) traders' profits. some management fees, ...
I should charge you for this advice.
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I liked the title of this thread and so dear friends have revived it.

Did anyone find their ideal system, platform etc. ?

Well come on then, spill the beans

Is Doudou still alive ?
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Without any doubt front running fragmented packets from large orders, selling dark pool order flow and trading class A substances for cash at distributor rather than retail level.