Trading Using Pocket PC


Hi all. Im currently trading using Trad Index and Capital Spreads but due to circumstances I find im away from my desk alot.

I have my eye on a pocket PC 2002 with blue tooth capabilties.
Fujitsu Siemens Pocket Loox 600 For those who know 🙂

Is there anyone who currently trades on the move using a pocket pc?

What setup/software can I use to recieve streaming data?

Also will I be able to view my Trad Index & Capital Spreads accounts using the Pocket Pc web browser?

Any input would be appreciated. Thanx all
I looked at it this time last year when i was considerably more actively day trading and found it a chore to be stuck to the screen.

I found that for continual use of even a few hours per day became a very costly gimmick....
however, i am not as active day trading now with more focus on swing style of trading which this set up for position checking and amending etc is ideal

Although i do not trade ATM this way... ask me in 2/3 weeks time 😉
Have used ipaq and phone with bluetooth capabilities...but very fiddly and small screen...very useful to access portfolio just to keep an eye out...Can be set up to check every 30 mins or so...

Good if you must have access to charts or data, but fiddly in my opinion..

Also check out the new Sony P800...very good BUT uses Symbian and now windows CE etc...

I would prefer Windows CE versions rather than Symbian...
have a look at (or

they've brought out a deal where u can trade using an xda.... if u get xda from elsewhere , then they'll give u there software for free - if u open an account etc....
seems interesting - worth a look for u ...
Zambuck out of interest what sites were you using that you found worked ok/well. Was java a problem atall?

The small screen is a small price to pay. But ive seen utilities that can give you a bigger screen resolution.

Thanx for your quick responses guys
Avant-Go...that came with ipaq...links to bloomburg and any other site that IS CONFIGURED for reading on ipaq...i.e..this site is not configured to read on ipaq screens...Maybe Sharkie can comment...

Did not try to install any java at all...but I am sure that will work as well...

Hope that helps..
Download meter for XDA II


Does anyone know if there is a utility to measure how much MGB is downloaded to your XDA?

Wireless Quotes and Charts - Quotrek

Check out the Quotrek for streaming wireless quotes and charts, will be adding links to trading for many brokerages in the next 1.2 version:

I also looked into this a while ago and discovered that pocket PC's did not have a facility to view java based applications, thus renderring them useless for browsing most web based charts etc.

I did discover however, that you can purchase and download a java application from the internet which would allow this. I had a few questions which were not answered satisfactorily at the time so I did not bother.

There is an increasing number of brokers/ sb companies that have PDA dealing facilites now and I too have recently revived my interest in this area. I am considering an XDA2 (as I was last year) which has now come down in price as a bonus!

Also, if you are going to use a PDA for dealing, I would look at brokers offering specific PDA dealing platforms rather than trying to use a PDA for something it wasn't designed to work with.

If anyone trades FX and is interested, I am currently looking at GFT Forex who come recommended as a good all round package, and have PDA specific dealing software.
IGIndex and Cantor both offer dealing via pocketpc. ManDirect also has PDA dealing facilities for futures using MtradePro – Handheld (I haven’t used this but it looks promising)
i feel that any company offering these mobile trading platforms should be shut down pronto - no way you can trade like that - and on top - these companies cant even seem to get their internet stuff to work - let alone add more crap to screw everything up

just some bright spark in these companies trying to be clever and think up a cute marketing gimmick for the gullible - this concept is so mickey mouse - that the MDs should be sacked for rubbish like that and new management got it in

ps may have to exclude MAN from this - but at the same time - they should not let any experienced person have these devices
Dear Stevet,

Using a PDA for trading may be madness for the sort of trading that you do (and possibly that most people do) - however this doesn't mean there are other that would find them extremely useful.

I, for example, trade only using limit orders and am desperate for my broker to provide support for PDAs.

I use a PDA mostly during my working day, I wouldn't use it for trading, its a bit like a mobile phone, go into a large building and you can lose the signal, also it can lock up so you have to reboot / reset it, imagine that when your'e in a trade ! ......................good luck
I've been giving the whole area a bit of an investigation at the moment and have found the following from the main SB Firms:

Cantor - single platform XDA on O2 - no other options. Haven't tried it.
City - new mobile dealing platform on Nokia phones only - tried it, haven't got it to work yet. My mate has though.
IG - works with my iPAQ (sometimes) - won't work with a T-mobile connection - wrong sort of GPRS apparently.

One thing I have learnt is that you CANNOT rely on any of them.

Anybody else any joy?
The only real use I have found for a PDA (iPAQ in my case), is for satellite navigation for which it is great. Recently I have been travelling a lot and it just makes the whole experience a total joy compared to when I didnt have it and very cheap as well.

Would have thought anyone trying to trade on some sort of mobile device like this is introducing another hurdle into an event that has plenty of hurdles to overcome already. But that's just my opinion. Good luck if it's the way you want to go.