Trading universities

If I can find the time and energy I will write to them. My bet is that none of them will provide " proof of profits " !! Even if they deign to answer.
A sort of legal scam for the unwary probably.
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If I can find the time and energy I will write to them. My bet is that none of them will provide " proof of profits " !! Even if they deign to answer.
A sort of legal scam for the unwary probably.

There is still something to learn from listening to all the trading psychologists .The
vendors want to give you little information , little information is dangerous.

As an example , forex factory has no psychology section , when 80% is psychology and 10% is the technicals.I learn't more about professional trading from trading psychologists , than from forums like forex factory.

At least Van tharp talks , from a far advanced view about traders and mistakes .So there is something much more advanced , to learn from the phds in psychology, information which is kept hidden on some of forums that have highly manipulated content.
I had a quick look at the top 2 Trading courses and couldn't see any proof of success !
One could interpret the lack of this vital piece of information as a serious flaw to their credibility because if they had good results they would undoubtably flaunt them.
STA DIPLOMA PART 1 & 2 COURSE PACKAGE.The cost of this course is £2795 (early bird until 28 September 2017) and £3795 thereafter.

Well had a quick look but as expected NO proof of any success. Their prize pupil left this message........

to technical analysis I learnt a great deal from the course.”
Hannah Whiting, Triland, Student on the 2016 Part 1 Course

Can't say I have ever heard of Triland ?
Well had a quick look but as expected NO proof of any success. Their prize pupil left this message........

to technical analysis I learnt a great deal from the course.”
Hannah Whiting, Triland, Student on the 2016 Part 1 Course

Can't say I have ever heard of Triland ?

Funny thing is can they teach profitable or losing technical anylysis ?It is all very subjective .

If they provide dumb professors and dumber technical anylysts , the traders are in for a treat.

Technical analysis has ZERO scientific value. It’s exactly the same as someone playing a slots machine and thinking,


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Funny thing is can they teach profitable or losing technical anylysis ?It is all very subjective .

If they provide dumb professors and dumber technical anylysts , the traders are in for a treat.

Technical analysis has ZERO scientific value. It’s exactly the same as someone playing a slots machine and thinking,

Well you can't assert that unless you have tested every price pattern or proved that all price patterns can not be used to predict anything.
I do believe that there are price patterns or areas of technical analysis that needs further investigation (like S/R) which can give you market edge. It's just a lot of time, patience and backtesting work to find them.
Any good trade calling chatrooms out there? pay per view or free, doesn't matter. Willing t pay up to 500 USD per month!

For a good one. I would expect to make at least 6X that much per month per contract.
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This innovative new MSc Trading and Financial Markets programme, offered in conjunction with OSTC (On Screen Trading Connections), a leading global trading company that specialises in exchange traded products, will prepare you for a career in financial trading and is open to undergraduates of all disciplines.

MSc Trading and Financial Markets

Which one shall I GO TO?

This MSc seems to give you the opportunity to work as a prop trader at OSTC. Does somebody know anything about this?
If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.
something that you say which means that only stupid people will work for you if you do not pay very much

How much should you pay for trading license?The license of pass in the mental and practical skills and knowledge tests , an examination and a certificate of competence.