Trading the SPX

todays result - only one trade ( +2p.per contract ), very choppy market.. :rolleyes:


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SPX Following the Roadmap

The SPX continues to follow the roadmap I started in 2004 and update as time passes. Moves often end when the trend is broken and retested from the low side. This could happen in mid-June which is 90 days from the March low.

Other SPX Gannish charts can be found here : SPX Cycles with Gann Angles and Elliott Wave Analysis

SPX is at technical fair value. Any move now only on fundamental reasons.


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SPX Swingtrade analyse

MT trend - UP
Swing trend - Down
Pattern - Support Level
Indicators - neutral
Senti: neutral
Supports: 1.375 - 1.380 area, 1.320 - 1.330 area and 1.250 +-
Rezists: 1.425 - 1.435 area
Expiry Targets: 1.390 p.+- May, 1.430p.+- June
MP targets: 1.390p.+- May, 1.260p.+- June

Swing Trade Action - Sell Swing 1.425-1.430 area or Buy Swing 1.370-1.375 area


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SPX swingtrading analyse

MT trend - UP
Swing trend - UP
Pattern - Rezist Level
Indicators - bullish, bearish divergence
Senti: extrem pozitiv = market corection probability
Supports: 1.380+-, 1.320-1.330 area and 1.250 +-
Rezists: 1.430-40area
Expiry / MP Targets: 1.430p.+- June

Swing Trade Action = Sell Swing above 1.430, target 1.405-1.410 area. Buy Swing at 1.380+-.


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thanks for that vectorc
I was unable to find your blog
I think posting this way is a better idea

good luck with your trading