Trading the Gaps

I was very quick in - I just seemed to sense that I needed to be. Some days you kind of know to hold back a little because the opening moves in your favour for a better entry. I can't explain how, you just feel it. Screen time.
Screen time is key. However, IMO there is no science to getting in, especially after opening. It can go either way very quick. Often for me what it's about is minimizing regret: a stop or a lost good trade. My mental dashboard may communicate clearly that conditions are a go, but screen time has seen that fail a few times as well. So, go figure.
Screen time is key. However, IMO there is no science to getting in, especially after opening. It can go either way very quick. Often for me what it's about is minimizing regret: a stop or a lost good trade. My mental dashboard may communicate clearly that conditions are a go, but screen time has seen that fail a few times as well. So, go figure.

Too big a gap to trade today Ilir?
Yeah, a tick is way too big a risk for me, 😉. No gap trade for me today, as there was none. I took a discretionary trade however, long 60.25 at 9:44, two targets have been filled already, one is still game, with a stop in the money.
Ranjha, am I to understand you have been short today since 68.50? In my book, that is a gap play on your part, fyi.
I stayed out today too. I was ready to go but it just didn't look right on open and so I decided not to and went to get a cup of coffee.
Days when I tell myself 'No trade today' are truly relaxing, I must admit. Especially when decision is sort of imposed on me, either by market conditions, or when moment passes.