Trading the ES (E mini) December 2003

The bare bones


Todays two big moves.

(a) Short after LL/LH in uptrend.
(b) Long after HH/HL in down trend.

The LH in uptrend and HL in uptrend are pure scalpes against the trend.

Would you think that these rules can be applied in a trending market.



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wicked day again :cheesy: final trade - out @68

a very self-explanatory chart.

yellow lines - courtesy of Stoploss. very good analysis matey.

pink lines - Mark_m - trying to test your interpretation of divs. U can c that on the early one, u'd actually get a much better entry from the following "proper" tick div, on the late one - it was spot-on, especially if u were scalping the bottoms (like myself) and looking for the 3rd L entry. definitely an important thing, at least a comforting confirmation - but let's test how we can use it best.


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matey - if it's an up trend day @ 10:30, it's either Buy UP or Buy Key average below, usually 40 ema/5min. if at 13:00 time pivot it is STILL an up trend (from internals and tech leadership), same applies for the afternoon. Tick divs (per system) r secondary confirmations on a strong trend day or just scalps :). They become the primary ones either on a non-trend day, or on trend reversals at 13:00 time pivot.

Did you see that last retracement. The MA did not make a LL even though the tick. Then we blasted up again.
wasnt trading that mate. IMO @ 1068 where I left, a S with stoploss of 1.5 pts and trgt of 1.5 pts wud've bn a nice scalp.
Excellent day - Superb analysis Stoploss!

China - I took your Tick/MACD of Tick div at 1450 today - then used my reverse div to calm the old nerves and stay in till 69.
Great combination I reckon - but lets see how it performs on a trending day - I reckon that might be where its the most useful.

I agree about the earlier rev div @1015 - I took it then it started looking dodgy so I jumped out for -0.5, only to see a proper div deliver a few minutes later and off it went skywards :eek:
No probs though - there's definite mileage in this...

Keep up the great work boys.

Sorry mate. Can you do me a favor and post a quick Tick chart. I just want to confirm that you are reading it the way I am.

You can see my analysis above yours.

Also, welcome to our growing band of brothers. I agree, this is paying off.


My MA set up is a 2 minute OHLC/4 on a 5 minute chart. I am getting confused with your two bar thingy. Isn't that a Twix.
Has anyone had a stop in the market and not been filled? Jonny T had a post on a sierra thread on native and non-native orders. What do we think?


This is what I have. On the Fib extension, what do you guys have. I am getting into a muddle.



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here's a chart showing the Reverse divs I mentioned earlier (I took out the normal divs to keep it tidier).

Cheers Mark


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Cheers Mark

1. HL momentum play.
2. LH momentum play.
3. HL momentum play.

We are seeing the same things but in a slighly different way. Thats why my chart looks like a spiders web.


just a quick note - I think on yr chart the first thing u show is actually a 'proper' tick pos div - a Reverse tick div hap'd just b4 that. take a butcher's at my tick chart from y'day posted above. or am I cocking it up? :)

Stoploss - mate we r using the same MA I am sure - apart from volume bit of yrs. but it's not 2 min - it's 2 period which on 5min chart would be 2 5 min bars - 10 min MA. It's like 40 ema/5min MA on index is actually a 200 min MA, right?

I looks the same and we are getting the same results. Basically you are saying is the smaller the time scale the larger the period in the indicator or MA.
say 5 ma/2min = 2ma/5min = 10 min MA :)

mark_m: yr rev div in the making. interesting. let's c how it works now.

I am watching for a LH ema and then start shorting. The SOX is showing some strength.


The Phili Bank looks interesting this morning.