Trading Systems Forex - Simpler the better-

I must say that the strategy works wonderfully well for the last 9 months or so.
The link i sent above which could be similar to jonnys system. Here's the rub - if you test further back, say since Feb 2003 or before, there is no profit - and considerable losses would have been incurred at times.

I must also say that this is an object lesson in the need for a robust strategy that can sustain the test of considerable time, before putting your hard-earned money on the line.

Occam's Razor

Zenda said:
This is a very simple MA crossover on CMS - use it as a quick guide wnen trading thought it might show Keep it Simple - Live chart 17.15 today :p USD/CAD - It just shows the opportunities missed daily! by concentrating on the Euro & Cable :)

Hi Zenda,

I have tried just about every indicator over 8 years of full time trading and discovered the simplest methods are most effect paired with a simple regime inculcated between my ears.

A few friends and I have been sticking to defined FX time windows using the most simple MAs which most indicators are in any case . I attach a trade from a couple of days ago and we have been doing this every day for weeks. We talk only in terms of pips as criterion for success because some members are very rich and can make the rest of us feel inadequate that we only make small profits regularly. Well Ive made £10 K in one day and lost more during the 2 following days on index futures. Ive come back to the simple.

Hope my chart comes out OK

Have phun!



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karenh said:
Hi Zenda,

I have tried just about every indicator over 8 years of full time trading and discovered the simplest methods are most effect paired with a simple regime inculcated between my ears.

A few friends and I have been sticking to defined FX time windows using the most simple MAs which most indicators are in any case . I attach a trade from a couple of days ago and we have been doing this every day for weeks. We talk only in terms of pips as criterion for success because some members are very rich and can make the rest of us feel inadequate that we only make small profits regularly. Well Ive made £10 K in one day and lost more during the 2 following days on index futures. Ive come back to the simple.

Hope my chart comes out OK

Have phun!



I just can't get the hang of the text editor in TS so sorry about the mistake in the chart

The chart should read:

Long @1.2682
Exit @ 1.2726...................+44pips :eek:
and talking of simple.........ya can't really beat the good old repetative, "every few buses" patterns which trundle along with boring regularity..........getting out of the pit before the light breaks :LOL: and punting off the combined decade/pivot confirm occasionally pays off!! ;)

and when it doesn''re out for no pain/damage.........and simply wait for the next pattern/formation at a key s&r.


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Thats the point!

Zenda said:
Just had a look at your website :LOL: - that really is the poorest website I have ever seen ! (not Joking - Honest :( )

Agreed. I'm not going to put up a snazzy web site full of cliche's and comments from satisfied customers.

There's no hard sell. You purchase my systems if you want. If you don't it doesn't mean anything to me.

Actually I have refused to sell anything to two people now.

cj12 said:

The link below is the same as jonnys system if you read between the lines, who copied it first was it trendlinebreak or jonny, trendlinbreak post this method back in 29/07/2004

By the way Zenda nice pic.


Actually that is not true. Have you purchased my system? I doubt it as I've only sold 3 copies.

My system has full rules for the UK market complete with a back testing engine in Excel that you can freely modify and develop yourself.

Zenda said:
Just had a look at your website :LOL: - that really is the poorest website I have ever seen ! (not Joking - Honest :( ) - If that's a sample of the work you put in! Are your trading systems of a similar quality! :!:

I've put live Forex trades on when trading - I don't ever stick to one style of trading - depends on market conditions!

JohnnyT - I posted live trades last week check it out on the above thread - Post number 35

Picture of JT front web page and sales Pitch :cheesy:

Thanks for the free advert.

back to test the round number/stops, a common occurance at a key decade number (as I'm sure you're aware).....still aint confirming the 'genuine direction' - but the market will shake out a few tentative hands in the process I guess.


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and further (optional) management of the trade to bank ongoing profits, whilst giving yourself options to catch a possible move away from the lower supports with the original pattern trade as next level decision point (should it continue to completion)


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pattern 'long' invalidated, and last lot snapped at the b/e entry.....a case of waiting to test the lower supports at 775 for reaction trades back within the range or price to show continuing failure.


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OK live trade

Just for fun you can see the time Top Left :cool: o4.25 US time

Note I ignored the signals that are in a narrow Bollinger Band range... as stated B4


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Live trade continued......

Doh may cut and run if hits 90 - and take the hit!


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apart from that early punt north off the decade, there's nowt setting up for me at this point Z.....

I'm sitting this one out for now....looks like it could turn into a brokers free for all before the numbers are released later......too much hyper activity for me around this round number :confused:


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Buk said:
apart from that early punt north off the decade, there's nowt setting up for me at this point Z.....

I'm sitting this one out for now....looks like it could turn into a brokers free for all before the numbers are released later......too much hyper activity for me around this round number :confused:

Yes I agree not a lot of life in this - Limited risk though - We'll see Buk - :) Think its Dog Walking time - Still think it may fall so I'll set some limit orders in to see if I catch a spike(No5) - then If I'm still in when I get back - I'll reconsider! :|
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Played around with 21/34 MA and MACD and this is about the most productive. I post code, please do not ask for explaination, just work it out it is pretty easy. I doubt it is very consistent or reliable over time.


Written by: twalker

Description: Just Fooling: 21/34 MA entry MACD exit


Inputs:length1(21), length2(34), Overbought(0.0006), Oversold(-0.0006);
Variables:T(-1), Aver2(0), Aver1(0), FastMovAvg(9), SlowMovAvg(12), MACDMovAvg(26);

Aver1 = AverageFC(c,length1);
Aver2 = AverageFC(c,Length2);

If CurrentBar > 2
and MACD(Close, FastMovAvg, SlowMovAvg) > overbought
and MACD(Close, FastMovAvg, SlowMovAvg) < MACD(Close, FastMovAvg, SlowMovAvg)[1] Then begin
Exitlong ("MACDlx") This Bar on Close;
T = -1;

If CurrentBar > 2
and MACD(Close, FastMovAvg, SlowMovAvg) < oversold
and MACD(Close, FastMovAvg, SlowMovAvg) > MACD(Close, FastMovAvg, SlowMovAvg)[1] Then begin
ExitShort ("MACDsx") This Bar on Close;
T = 1;

if Aver1 > Aver2 and T > -1 then begin
buy next bar at c stop;

if Aver1 < Aver2 and T < 1 then begin
sell next bar at c stop;


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twalker said:
Played around with 21/34 MA and MACD and this is about the most productive. I post code, please do not ask for explaination, just work it out it is pretty easy. I doubt it is very consistent or reliable over time.


Written by: twalker

Description: Just Fooling: 21/34 MA entry MACD exit


Inputs:length1(21), length2(34), Overbought(0.0006), Oversold(-0.0006);
Variables:T(-1), Aver2(0), Aver1(0), FastMovAvg(9), SlowMovAvg(12), MACDMovAvg(26);

Aver1 = AverageFC(c,length1);
Aver2 = AverageFC(c,Length2);

If CurrentBar > 2
and MACD(Close, FastMovAvg, SlowMovAvg) > overbought
and MACD(Close, FastMovAvg, SlowMovAvg) < MACD(Close, FastMovAvg, SlowMovAvg)[1] Then begin
Exitlong ("MACDlx") This Bar on Close;
T = -1;

If CurrentBar > 2
and MACD(Close, FastMovAvg, SlowMovAvg) < oversold
and MACD(Close, FastMovAvg, SlowMovAvg) > MACD(Close, FastMovAvg, SlowMovAvg)[1] Then begin
ExitShort ("MACDsx") This Bar on Close;
T = 1;

if Aver1 > Aver2 and T > -1 then begin
buy next bar at c stop;

if Aver1 < Aver2 and T < 1 then begin
sell next bar at c stop;

Absolutely Brilliant Mr Walker - wish I could do that!! perhaps JohnnyT would like to backtest it :)
Keep your knickers on.

The backtest period is only 6 months.

As you have said 9 months isn't enough...

Did you read Mr Walkers comment: ' I doubt it is very consistent or reliable over time.'?

No I thought not.

Absolutely Brilliant Mr Walker - wish I could do that!!

But you can, TS code is certainly not rocket science.

Incidentally, you can also call me "Brilliant" anytime you choose as it helps my struggling ego.
the shorters are having a frustrasting time of it this morning, that's for sure :(

typical jittery pre-release antics & the 7800 magnet holding it for now I guess......quick profits for the 'fast finger' (well - slow in comparison to some instruments :LOL: ) players tho off the lower support.


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