trading systems and signals advice


Junior member

Got some questions, please answer:

1/. What do you think are best indicators for short term trading, as in t1, m1, m5, m15, m30?

2/. now are a plethora of systems out there, ninjatrader, multicharts, trade station, metatrader etc, which would you recommend and most reliable pairing with which broker? for both auto and manual

3/ any good signal providers you can recommend?

I used metatrader a few years ago and it was so bad i gave up, now wanting to get back into forex trading as i think it is a good time, but this time with a reliable system and broker....

I see metatrader looks better these days, but what are thoughts on latest version ?

1. The best indicators are ones that have an edge. Backtest and find out which ones have an edge. You aren't going to trust what a random person posts online and risk your money based on that , are you?
Short-term trading - there is no indicator with an edge. You can't possibly make money by using indicators on such low time frames

2. Don't know

3. There are none. Try as many signal providers as you like and then let us know how that worked out for you.
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