Lets be honest!
Whether or not you have a holy grail strategy that maybe delivers 70% winners.
Whether or not you are looking at an M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1 etc. chart or a multi-timeframe combination of the all or some of these timeframes.
Or, perhaps you use a custom timeframe such as the custom 231 tick chart, yes the 231 tick chart, not to be mistaken for the 232 tick chart as this would make all the difference wouldn't it! -
As an activity, trading sucks - big time!
Trading sucks as follows -
Socially - you might as well buy a shell and live as a hermit crab
Physically - the job of a sloath provides a better workout
Mentally - sat looking at a flickering wick on screen for extendded periods of time
Need I say more???
Do you agree?
I am net + with my trading results, and expect to remain so, over the long term.
My strategic approach is far from something that makes me think - making a profit is simply a case of switching the PC on in a morning and waiting & then pressing button x or y. Some days it goes very well, other days it goes OK. Other days like so far today, are an absolute ****ing nightmare!
Trading does suck overall for me though, profit or not.
The main reason for this view boils down to the following -
On many occassions do i feel that luck simply evaded me -
1. price hits my SL, goes no further, reverses in the origina ldirection into what would be a big profit.
2. I click on a price, and in the split second delay between my decision to click and the click, the price changes by 1 pip against me, as opposed to in my favour.
I have said it before. Rarely after a trade do i think, damn i just got lucky! in the majority of trades, what i see as examples of bad luck, conspire to reduce my profits.
Please, i don't want any replies saying there's no such thing as bad luck, and if your SL was hit and price went no further b4 reversing andd into what would have been a big profit, this happened for a reason and your original entry was at fault etc. i.e. there's no such thing as random price movements etc. I've heard it before and its BS.
The fact is trading remains a tough challenge for all of us, and the odds are stacked against us, and it will always remain so.
i just closed a nice scalp down on the ftse for £420 profit, am i happy? no, why?, because i cannot do it consistently enough as TA is just so random and i will give half back on the next wrong move.
Just look at the guys over at the Dow 2008 thread, no offence but just like the famous Oscar they get it wrong more times than they get it right because they do not realise TA alone does not work consistently, they go on about r/r and thinking in probabilities but its all so tedious and the reward in my opinion is not good enough for the time im putting in.........Also please remember alot of the guys on that thread and here on T2W are more than likely retirees or already have enough wealth so less pressure when they are wrong and can afford to make like a tedious £100 a week net profit, to me thats no way near good enough, i need £800 every single week to live and pay my bills or im in the ****.............Trading works for sure but to me it's nearly impossible to do unless you have no pressure to make an income form it, grey1 is the only exception as he has proven it over time and always posts his p and l............people will disagree with me i know but i have seen so many people on here say they are good and making money without ever proving it and then the very same people later are hunting out new systems.
You are correct in many things you say jayjay121 and this is the problem so many face when trying to become a profitable trader. The 'NEED' to make a trade greatly warps and impairs judgement. I also think that too much emphasis is placed on thinking in terms of probabilities rather than thinking in terms of skill. Naturally any trader will incur losses but the aim is to minimise them by learning from experience. To become more proficient with every trade should be the goal.
Originally Posted by jayjay121 View Post
i just closed a nice scalp down on the ftse for £420 profit, am i happy? no, why?, because i cannot do it consistently enough as TA is just so random and i will give half back on the next wrong move.
Just look at the guys over at the Dow 2008 thread, no offence but just like the famous Oscar they get it wrong more times than they get it right because they do not realise TA alone does not work consistently, they go on about r/r and thinking in probabilities but its all so tedious and the reward in my opinion is not good enough for the time im putting in.........Also please remember alot of the guys on that thread and here on T2W are more than likely retirees or already have enough wealth so less pressure when they are wrong and can afford to make like a tedious £100 a week net profit, to me thats no way near good enough, i need £800 every single week to live and pay my bills or im in the ****.............Trading works for sure but to me it's nearly impossible to do unless you have no pressure to make an income form it, grey1 is the only exception as he has proven it over time and always posts his p and l............people will disagree with me i know but i have seen so many people on here say they are good and making money without ever proving it and then the very same people later are hunting out new systems.
You are correct in many things you say jayjay121 and this is the problem so many face when trying to become a profitable trader. The 'NEED' to make a trade greatly warps and impairs judgement. I also think that too much emphasis is placed on thinking in terms of probabilities rather than thinking in terms of skill. Naturally any trader will incur losses but the aim is to minimise them by learning from experience. To become more proficient with every trade should be the goal.
sorry for being negitive but i can give a valueable opinion about this subject as i do not rely on trading for my income, so i have no bias either way.
The thing that finally made me realise how hard trading is to do full time is the fact all grey1 followers on his forum cannot even trade the way he does and not one of them do it like he does, and the guy has even been kind enough to hold free seminars and webinars over a period of time. Everyone tries to trade the same as grey but can't, what does this show you?, well it shows me yes its possible but if grey is willing to show how he trades daily and how he makes his money, which he very generiously does and is an amazing man truely....But even after all his help and actual free mentoring people don't do it or at least from what im seeing on that forum no one appears to be making it work for them but then again alot of the guys there have full time jobs and have never given it a proper go.
Still to me it shows grey1 has a inner working, a mentality made and fit for trading.....they do say trading is a feedback mechanism on a moment to moment basis for how much you like yourself, the more you like yourself and self value yourself, the more money you will give yourself........maybe this is where im personally going wrong, goes to show how pyschological things are important in trading
Trading sucks - big time - doesn't it?
Na it doesnt. Sounds like your going through a bad patch, probably trading a method that doesnt suit (specifically too much screen time by the sounds of it).. Be kind to yourself / stick at it and worm will turn!..
Gl fella. 👍
Guys I've changed my mind completely.
I now think that trading is the dogs ******** - man!
"Laugh and the world laughs with you. Sneeze, and its goodbye seattle!"
Way to go mate.
Plus, for those lonely moments, you might think about getting a new hobby:
Bored stiff during the day, and in dire need of entertainment.
Low maintenance and hassle free to boot, seeing as how you get evenings and weekends off.
Yummy mummies, your salvation.
Lovely !