Trading Strategy of high risk stop loss

Sounds to me as if you want to just take a trade for the sake of it...
Just go to the casino with £500 and blow it and come back when your ready.
Jiggly, I appreciate your point and agree with the probability that you and Faisal have mentioned. Have a look at the chart for past 15 days or so, I have seen the 20 to 50 points movement a lot more than 20 times compared to one 500 block move. Thats why in theory I think this could work.

Dude, please stop. You are going to lose your money.

max I reached for a potential loss of 150. But my stop was at 500 so safe.

What does this mean, 'safe'. Just because it doesn't hit your stop in one day, doesn't mean you are safe. It might go to -150 in one day. Then what will you do when it closes at -150? And then the next day it moves to -300, then what will you do. All the while your money is tied up and you can't trade. This is crazy. Not only that, but not hitting your stop doesn't mean that -300 P/L doesn't count. trust me it counts. Stop and demo this only. You are going to lose, it may take some time, but it will happen, and when it does, it will be a big loss.

If you think you're the first to try this 'idea' you're not. How many people around will talk about trading effectively without a stop? You gain £60 but risk £500. Trust me it will happen unless you cut those losses.
Alternatively... Tell us your entry level, stop loss level and exit and we could participate in a mass fade.
it is fair, you should try out everything you believe may work, but i am just trying to steer you in the right direction

it may work, however the vast majority of strategies only work when they adhere to sound risk, technical, fundemental and probability principles,

but there is nothing to prove that some unorthadox strategies couldn't work either. I think what you are trying to do is a form of grid trading. you need to sit there and work everything out mathematically, from what i understand about this type of trading, is you want to mark price points off into grids, and place limit orders and Taker profits all over the place, as one gets filled, you sling another, and so on keeping your 'trading' grid filled within your 500 SL range, or whatever you identify. your account will have an ever increasing unrealised loss and a growing realised equity gain, but you will have to close out everything at some point to reset everything as your margin requirements are going to be massive. At the end of it you may have more than you started with when you realise the losses..and then start again

carry on doing it, until you have made about 100 trades, then you can decide from looking at the results if it is something you want to continue working with or to ditch, but I would be doing this with far less at risk than £500 per transaction, but then again, you may have money to burn.

but have you thought about, what would happen, and it could happen, that you take 3 losses in a row? could you handle that? psychologically knowing you need to pull back best of 47 parts to break even? how long will that take anyway?
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something like this will work fantastically in a ranging market, but then when a trend comes it will bring you losses.
hi there

With any kind of market trading or wagering, there is always a chance you could lose money. Most seasoned traders will agree that there’s no reward without risk. But at gnuTrade, however, we make the risks clear to every player on every trade. You will know exactly what you're risking before you place a trade.

The trading platform provides free "stop loss" service, it means you can limit your potential losses without putting a limit on your gains. With many other financial betting firms your losses are open-ended and you could lose more than your original betting amount.
demeanor: please get lost. Dont advertise in response to a genuine discussion pls.

Jiggly, fair point. Do you reckon trends go over 500 or 1000 points in a day or even in a series of day? Also, if I am correct 10 to 15 times, I am in a position to have one crisis day when the trend moves more than 500 to 1000 points against my position?
demeanor: please get lost. Dont advertise in response to a genuine discussion pls.

Jiggly, fair point. Do you reckon trends go over 500 or 1000 points in a day or even in a series of day? Also, if I am correct 10 to 15 times, I am in a position to have one crisis day when the trend moves more than 500 to 1000 points against my position?

London_Lad... You will not be correct 10 to 15 times to every loss...
Its a fact.

Its like me thinking that i may aswell go win Wimbeldon even though i haven't played tennis - The guys there have spent hours and hours of practicing and then i think i can show up and beat 10 people for every 1 loss...

Literally i'm not exagerating. I would put it as impossible for YOU to put 15 trades in and one loss... The best traders in the world wouldn't do this sort of thing... Yes some are the type that win day in, day out (overall P&L up at end of the day) but they have losses... 15 wins/1 loss - Just won't happen.

You have it all wrong, trading isn't about winning all the trades and knowing where the market will go - Its impossible to KNOW how many buyers and sellers will hit the floor in any given time... We can only estimate.

Ask someone who is extremely well respected on these forums what they're win percentage is.

You can't seriously expect, with your lack of knowledge and so far, your lack of hard work on trading, to do BETTER than EVERYONE... Its just, No.
oOOOo i mis-read your strategy... I thought you had 500 pip target and 500 pip stop loss and expected to win 14/15 loool
My advice:
Rather than waste your time trying to make a 'system', that you won't learn or progress your trading skills with... Start learning to trade, learning to enter longs and shorts - Rather than trying to make system do all the work that is required from you... Ultimately, in the long run, this will only prolong your progression towards your goals.

Rather than reply to this now... Check back in 4-6 months.
Jiggly, fair point. Do you reckon trends go over 500 or 1000 points in a day or even in a series of day? Also, if I am correct 10 to 15 times, I am in a position to have one crisis day when the trend moves more than 500 to 1000 points against my position?

what are you trading?, get some past daily data and put them into a spreadsheet, calculate the median price ranges from the high-low. this figure will give you the average, i.e 50% of days ranges will be higher and 50% of days ranges will be lower than this figure.

also from the data you can calculate, historically, what the maximum and minimum ranges were and the probability that they occur. I know this for the markets I trade, also, what the probability is that it will move, 'x' amount of pips, for example, it trades in 20 tick moves, 80% of the time, 40 tick moves 60% of the time, 50 tick moves 50% of the time etc......

for such a strategy to work(and it is subject to many other variables), I would suggest, you look at a chart, and for example set yourself a trading 'timeframe' for when the net effect of all your activity should come good.

as I have already mentioned that something like this could work fantastically in a ranging market, you may want to look at the weekly chart and say, for example, this is the 10 year range, and i will account for these as my maximum and minimum points to trade within before total disaster....then calculate risk accordingly

after all, smaller trends make up larger ranges, but there will have to be a point when you must subjectively decide that enough is enough and reset everything, otherwise you will be carrying losing positions which could wipe out, weeks or months worth of activity.

it is possible to have so many 'winning' trades with such a strategy, but it will only take a very small string of losses to undo everything.

that is not something I am comfortable with personally.
do a search for 'grid trading' you will find a lot of information on this type of trading, and many who have been working at it for many years, which will have a lot more to say on it than I could.

remember, you are responsible for your own trading/investment decisions.