trading simulator


Active member
I've been hunting all over the internet for a trading simulator. One that allows you to advance 1 day (or intraday period) at a time with various indicators, allowing you to place orders at market, limit, limit-stop, stop and trailing stops. Using historical data and having a reasonable selection of indicators and chart types (candlesticks). I find it very useful to step through past price data and practice new techniques and using different techniques but dont want the hassle of having to advance a manually through the charts.

Do you know of any simulators? I have omnitrader but the trading simulator is very very basic, I need more than a buy or sell button, I want to be able to select limits and stops?

If you use IB and / or Sierra, the "autotrader" API will record data from the feed and charts and allow you to play it back at your leisure. Not quite sure how it works as I've never used it, but I recall that its there.

Dont know if it works with other data sources I'm afraid.
rog1111 said:
Use IB


Do you mean this:

How It Works
Use TWS with your Paper Trading Account exactly as you would use a regular Trader Workstation (TWS) or Application Program Interface (API). You can use all IB order types, trade all contracts available through the TWS, and experiment with every aspect of the TWS platform.

Your trading window will clearly indicate that you are working in a simulated account. If you do not see this, you are trading in your production account and will be liable for all trade entered.

Trades entered into this Paper Trading Account will not actually execute on any exchange or settle at a clearing house. However, the price of your executions will be determined by real market prices and sizes.

Trading permissions, market data subscriptions, base currency, and other account configurations are the same as specified for your regular account.

A Paper Trading Account statement will be provided each day and is available under Account Management/Report Management for your Paper Trading Account.

All customers will start with USD 1,000,000 of paper trading Equity with Loan Value, and this equity will fluctuate as if the trades had executed in the real market.

You may reset your cash equity at any time by accessing Account Management for your Paper Trading Account and selecting Trading Access/Paper Trading Account Reset. Your account will be reset to USD 1,000,000. Please note that reset requests should be entered before 16:00 ET in order to take effect for the next business day.

I don't have an account at IB, so I haven't tested this program, but it seems to me the main purpose not to test trading strategies, but to introduce to working platform. Maybe this is as equivalent to demo-accounts at forex brokers? And for forex training I prefer to use Forex Tester.

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yes that's it. Apart from gaining familiarity with the interface it's also an excellent simulator

I've been hunting all over the internet for a trading simulator. One that allows you to advance 1 day (or intraday period) at a time with various indicators, allowing you to place orders at market, limit, limit-stop, stop and trailing stops. Using historical data and having a reasonable selection of indicators and chart types (candlesticks). I find it very useful to step through past price data and practice new techniques and using different techniques but dont want the hassle of having to advance a manually through the charts.

Do you know of any simulators? I have omnitrader but the trading simulator is very very basic, I need more than a buy or sell button, I want to be able to select limits and stops?

@pkfryer - we just built a free simulator that does most of what you're looking for. The website is

The simulator loads random "anonymous" charts - you won't know which security or time period. Each chart loads 400 bars for you to evaluate the pattern, and then you can trade the next 200 bars. You can practice in Solo mode, or you can challenge other traders. In Challenges, each trader is shown the same chart and has 90 seconds to trade. The trader who earns the most or loses the least wins. You can see a short overview video here -
I'm also looking for an effective trading simulator to practice strategies. Has anyone used the Paper Trading Account from Interactive Brokers or similar platforms? What are your thoughts on their functionality and ease of use?