Trading Simulation Software


Established member
Can anyone recommend a good trading simulator for forex and/or indices? At the moment i'm just scrolling through historical prices and writing everything down manually. I want something a bit more realistic and also that can take into account trading costs (spreads).

I am looking at this at the moment: Tick-by-tick currencies, futures, stocks Day Trading Simulator- Learn to day-trade currencies, futures, stocks

Is it worth paying for something (the above is $100) or is there any good free ones? (i only use basic indicators)
Why not try using the IB demo platform as it is very good (in my view) and costs nothing and uses real data (although delayed) but it would allow you to test your strategies. It is a direct access platform and here is the link:

If you needed any help in using it then let me know 🙂


I was looking for something that will allow me to replay the market as if it was live... see each bar forming etc. I think i'll just end up sticking to demo platforms and practise the market as it happens.

Thanks for the advice- i'll check out your recommendations.
I was looking for something that will allow me to replay the market as if it was live... see each bar forming etc. I think i'll just end up sticking to demo platforms and practise the market as it happens.

Thanks for the advice- i'll check out your recommendations.

Ninjatrader will do this, though you need to set up the software to record during market hours. It's free for sim if you get a demo account with mirus or amp futures.

Esignal does replay without the need to record, but it's not free.
NinjaTrader can generate random data to trade with but... it's completely random. You can set gentle and solid trends but it isn't the same. That said, you could roll a 1D10 dice every 10 minutes to decide on the short term trend.

1-2: hard fall
3-4: gentle fall
5-6: ranging
7-8: gentle rise
9-0: hard rise

How ADND. The character class "ninja" would be apt, I guess.
NinjaTrader can generate random data to trade with but... it's completely random. You can set gentle and solid trends but it isn't the same. That said, you could roll a 1D10 dice every 10 minutes to decide on the short term trend.

1-2: hard fall
3-4: gentle fall
5-6: ranging
7-8: gentle rise
9-0: hard rise

How ADND. The character class "ninja" would be apt, I guess.

....the markets are anything but fact trading is about revealing "order" in "apparent" randomness..order being the transparency of numpty behaviour...."apparent" being the skills levels needed in revealing is not possible to reveal order from absolute randomness....hence nonsensical.
Yep. That's why Ninjatrader isn't actually very useful despite being useful on face value.
Yep. That's why Ninjatrader isn't actually very useful despite being useful on face value.

You know it can replay actual market data as well as producing random data, right? Obviously the random data would be useless for anything other than learning how to use the platform.
You know it can replay actual market data as well as producing random data, right? Obviously the random data would be useless for anything other than learning how to use the platform.

Yes, as someone mentioned above, but that requires signing up to someone for the data... the cheapest/easiest option is the random data. That's all I was talking about. 🙂
I have recorded almost every trading day from the start of April this year up to now on the S&P 500 futures index.

If that is any help to you I will work out how to export the data and compress it and email it to you.

PM me if you want it.

P.S Forgot to mention, it was recorded using NT and obviously could be played back tick by tick in NT
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