Trading simulation program?


Hey guys,

Does anyone know of any trading simulation programs? I have a friend who was in training session of the Bank of America Trading training program, and he had to go through some trading sessions.

He was playing a market maker and the computer randomly generates news to create chaos.

He was using trademetrics.

I did a little research and couldn't find much about it.

Does anyone know of any similar programs which can simulate a virtual condition and to hone one's trading skills?

trading simulation

Have a look at the following:

Another member (arbitrageur) found it and brought it to my attention on another post; so not taking credit for finding it! 😀

It is a player to player trading game, so it does simulate the market and you can try your hand at being a market maker etc. The quality of the game depends to some extent upon the quality of the opposition. It is sometimes quiet and you have to wait a while for a game. I have found that lunchtimes in the week are the best time.
Hi !
Take a look at PaperMoney
go to website, register, download the software (available for all platforms) intall, start the software, choose the "paperMoney" and trade as much as you like.
Quotes delayed by 20 min.
Hi Snownation,

You could try Van Tharp's trading game at

It's one that I recommend to some of my clients and it teaches the importance of money management and position sizing.

Good Luck,
