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Well I thought I might try to jump start this section of the site, which could prove to be an extremely useful repository of information.
So here goes, my question and answer for today. I'm going to try to post an new one each day. Feel free to add comments and contributions to this thead, then after a couple of weeks - I'll collate them and delete the replies, and the process can begin again...
BTW this first quesiton was inspired by an email I received today.
Q. Are there any industry recognised courses or qualifications which cover trading knowledge?
A. There are indeed a number of courses available for qualification in Technical Analysis as follows:
Technical Analysis
Society of Technical Analysts
The STA is the professional body associated with technical analysis. Their courses are taught at the London School of Economics and all teaching is by STA members. The courses are considered suitable for the annual PIA Continuous Professional Development Programme:
1. Introductory Course in Technical Analysis
The course provides an introduction to technical analysis. No previous knowledge is required and there are no formal entry qualifications. Delegates attending the Introductory Course will be given the option to move onto the Foundation Course at the end of the four weeks. The course runs for four evenings
2. Foundation Course in Technical Analysis
The foundation course prepares students for the Diploma course in technical analysis. The course runs for six evenings. An examination will be held at the end of the course.
3. STA Diploma Course
The STA Diploma is an internationally recognised qualification and is part of qualifying to be a member of the STA. It consists of 11 evening sessions, followed by a Revision day (inc. Report writing) and a full day that leads to the actual Exam which lasts 3 hours. The total cost is approx £1650. Alternatively you can attend just the revision day, any of the individual lectures or sit the exam on its own at a reduced cost.
Market Technicians Association
The Market Technicians Association (MTA), incorporated in 1973, is the national organization of market analysis professionals in the United States. Their Chartered Market Technician (CMT) Program is a certification process in which candidates are required to demonstrate proficiency in a broad range of technical analysis subjects. Administered by the Accreditation Committee of the Market Technicians Association (MTA), the CMT Program consists of three levels: Level 1 is a multiple choice exam; Level 2 is an essay/multiple choice exam. At level 3, candidates have the option of writing a research paper or taking a third (essay) exam.
The CMT program is designed to be SELF-STUDY and candidates can complete the program over 5 years. The following fees are correct at this time:
CMT Program registration Fee : $ 250.00US (non-refundable)
2003 Level 1 Exam Fee: $ 200.00US
2003 Level 2 and Level 3 Exam Fees: $ 400.00US each exam
So total cost would be $1250. Exams may be sat in various location around the US and major world cities including London.
International Federation of Technical Analysts
IFTA is an international non-profit professional organization with members in more than 26 countries. It offers the DITA exam - a 3 year certification program in the field of Technical Analysis.
The IFTA Diploma (Diploma in International Technical Analysis - Dip.ITA) examination process started in 1996. The process consists of three levels spread over three to five years, with the examinations normally being taken at 12-monthly intervals. There are usually two exam sittings per year.
The three examinations culminate in the award of a truly international qualification in Technical Analysis, with all applicants having to take at least 2 of the 3 exam stages; exemption may be claimed by those who have passed equivalent levels of local Society exams for either Stage 1 or Stage 2; Stage 3 is mandatory. The exams test not only technical skills but also ethics and international market knowledge.
Venues and dates vary from year to year, but each April they generally include London, Frankurt, Geneva and Hong Kong as well as at least one site in North America, and in October/November they always include the site of IFTA's Annual Conference which takes place at various centres throughout the world (in 2002, London [England], in 2003 the USA).
Cost of the various exams is: Stage 1 US$500, Stage 2 US$800, and Stage 3 US$900. It is expected that candidates will spend up to 12 months preparing for each stage
Unresolved quesitons:
I couldn't find any equivalent qualification in for example trading future and options. Do they exist?
Forum topics of interest:
So here goes, my question and answer for today. I'm going to try to post an new one each day. Feel free to add comments and contributions to this thead, then after a couple of weeks - I'll collate them and delete the replies, and the process can begin again...
BTW this first quesiton was inspired by an email I received today.
Q. Are there any industry recognised courses or qualifications which cover trading knowledge?
A. There are indeed a number of courses available for qualification in Technical Analysis as follows:
Technical Analysis
Society of Technical Analysts
The STA is the professional body associated with technical analysis. Their courses are taught at the London School of Economics and all teaching is by STA members. The courses are considered suitable for the annual PIA Continuous Professional Development Programme:
1. Introductory Course in Technical Analysis
The course provides an introduction to technical analysis. No previous knowledge is required and there are no formal entry qualifications. Delegates attending the Introductory Course will be given the option to move onto the Foundation Course at the end of the four weeks. The course runs for four evenings
2. Foundation Course in Technical Analysis
The foundation course prepares students for the Diploma course in technical analysis. The course runs for six evenings. An examination will be held at the end of the course.
3. STA Diploma Course
The STA Diploma is an internationally recognised qualification and is part of qualifying to be a member of the STA. It consists of 11 evening sessions, followed by a Revision day (inc. Report writing) and a full day that leads to the actual Exam which lasts 3 hours. The total cost is approx £1650. Alternatively you can attend just the revision day, any of the individual lectures or sit the exam on its own at a reduced cost.
Market Technicians Association
The Market Technicians Association (MTA), incorporated in 1973, is the national organization of market analysis professionals in the United States. Their Chartered Market Technician (CMT) Program is a certification process in which candidates are required to demonstrate proficiency in a broad range of technical analysis subjects. Administered by the Accreditation Committee of the Market Technicians Association (MTA), the CMT Program consists of three levels: Level 1 is a multiple choice exam; Level 2 is an essay/multiple choice exam. At level 3, candidates have the option of writing a research paper or taking a third (essay) exam.
The CMT program is designed to be SELF-STUDY and candidates can complete the program over 5 years. The following fees are correct at this time:
CMT Program registration Fee : $ 250.00US (non-refundable)
2003 Level 1 Exam Fee: $ 200.00US
2003 Level 2 and Level 3 Exam Fees: $ 400.00US each exam
So total cost would be $1250. Exams may be sat in various location around the US and major world cities including London.
International Federation of Technical Analysts
IFTA is an international non-profit professional organization with members in more than 26 countries. It offers the DITA exam - a 3 year certification program in the field of Technical Analysis.
The IFTA Diploma (Diploma in International Technical Analysis - Dip.ITA) examination process started in 1996. The process consists of three levels spread over three to five years, with the examinations normally being taken at 12-monthly intervals. There are usually two exam sittings per year.
The three examinations culminate in the award of a truly international qualification in Technical Analysis, with all applicants having to take at least 2 of the 3 exam stages; exemption may be claimed by those who have passed equivalent levels of local Society exams for either Stage 1 or Stage 2; Stage 3 is mandatory. The exams test not only technical skills but also ethics and international market knowledge.
Venues and dates vary from year to year, but each April they generally include London, Frankurt, Geneva and Hong Kong as well as at least one site in North America, and in October/November they always include the site of IFTA's Annual Conference which takes place at various centres throughout the world (in 2002, London [England], in 2003 the USA).
Cost of the various exams is: Stage 1 US$500, Stage 2 US$800, and Stage 3 US$900. It is expected that candidates will spend up to 12 months preparing for each stage
Unresolved quesitons:
I couldn't find any equivalent qualification in for example trading future and options. Do they exist?
Forum topics of interest: