Trading prostitutes

Prostitutes are great scalpers...they don't like hitting the bid, but ALWAYS take the offer! ZING!

in and out

i'll leave you stunned

Prostitutes are great scalpers...they don't like hitting the bid, but ALWAYS take the offer! ZING!

They're much better position traders, in for the long haul.
They are also compared to scam brokers: Their clients are up one minute, and down the next.

Trading prostitutes is like playing poker: "I'll see your 2 prostitutes and raise you one!"

OK, it's getting late in the day I guess.

Anyway, isn't Diss Lecksic that Serbian gangsta who doesn't respect anyone or anything?
Based on the title I was looking to get a leg up.


Ever auditioned for a movie ?

I guess Gecko Movies, when Gordon Gecko is capitulated by the market , and pays for pon movies on sex out of taxpayers money.