Trading platforms: (EG Ninja-trader etc) Any preferences ?

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Veteren member
OK I've finally decided to go dual as my Mac is steadfastly refusing to befriend some platforms options that are supposed to be cooperative with allies in Apple land but simply aren't being nice about that in the real world, so I'm going to finally get myself a PC again just for running a platform, and let the Mac handle the rest.

Having previously basically been limited to IB this opens up a whole new universe of options which is why I'd appreciate any user feedback.

So I guess this may be a bit like asking if you prefer coffee or tea lol, but if anybody wants to say which trading platform they like and maybe a quick why I'd appreciate that a lot.

Some platform options available out there:

GNI touch Futures - Trading Platforms

Some additional options like Ninjatrader I hear a lot about or strategy runner:

Trading Platforms

These get some good reviews too:

I'm open for all ideas and comments, but any Ninja-trader users here or people using CQG integrated client ?

I may be wrong, but looks like they have some of the best integrated charting you can trade out of, that along with execution speed and reliability are really my main interests, I don't need stuff like X-traders auto spreading etc.

Thanks in advance !
The big question is what you would like to do with your trading platform...

If it is just for entering orders I really like the IB interface TWS, and espacially the Booktrader (superfast and easy)but if you find it difficult you can always use NinjaTrader which has something like it for it.

For Charting I prefer ProRealtime really love it, super fast, very good tool (only the P&F charts aren't so good) but all other charts are really nice to work with, good support if there are problems, it is solved in minutes. And you have the possibility to program your own indicators and so on, I love it. I use the realtime package. It is the same as the EOD package wich you can use for FREE, so you can try it if you like it (and it works on MAC because it is also written in Java).

If you would like to program, then you should definitely look at NinjaTrader! You can make automatic systems, indicators, back test it is really a lovely package. Only the charts aren't so good as those from prorealtime. I even find prorealtime nicer than metastock and a couple of other packages I have tried (a lot I have to say).

But thats just my opinion. I have tested a lot of packages, sometimes you hear someone shouting about a particular package and when I try it i hate it, and about prorealtime I heard very few people, but I love it! Very accurate easy to use (the templates are very handy) and good presentation of all information.

But you need to find out what you like and dislike, and that can only be done by trying ;-)
Well, so ar (hating it, but no alternative) we use NinjaTrader here for manual order handling. Gave up on the automatic strategy side after the idiotic programming lost me too much funds for me to be happy with Ninja problems (not strategy - idiotic stuff like the strategy producing a code exception, Ninja NOT CLOSING ORDERS OF IT and NOT INFORMING THE USER ABOUT THIS - but happily showing it as active while it was stopped - it is more important to make sounds whn a stop is adjusted, but no, a strategy malfunctioning is not important).

Ninja does a decent job for order entry, and one has the advantage one can program indicators 😉 The window handling is sucking like mad (do they have anyone USING that crap?), but at the end one can get used to it. It even works pretty well on a WIndows 7 host in a datacenter accessed via remote desktop - which in my case is vastly preferable, because of more reliable internet handling and faster stop adjustments 😉

Btw., if one does NOT want strategy trading... there is no need to pay for Ninja. THere is a free direct edition which is feature limited... but the smart people at Ninja obviously never really throught their licensing through, so we happily use the Direct edition with all ATM features active 😉

When NT7 comes out... hopefully a lof ot the gripes are over.
Thanks for the feedback guys, appreciate that.

I definitely don't want to do any programming, I'm just trying to find the platform that has the best integrated charting you can also trade out of directly.

I heard very good things about prorealtime too, but don't really want to have a seperate provider unless I have to...

So sounds like Ninja doesn't have such great charts, and isn't too user friendly as far as operating various windows goes.

Well,. the charting at Ninja is very versatile as it CAN be programmed. YOu may want that one day, as you can come up with your own indicators 😉 Or import indicators written by someone else.
Oh dear, I'm definitely no programmer, me.


I guess I'll just try out all the platforms they have and hope I find one that really suits me.

Appreciate the pointers.
