Trading platform/software with alerts for MACD Histogram



I would like to try a trading platform or software package, or any alerts package which will alert me when the MACD Histogram does something like change direction, or when the stochastics reach a certain level. Any tips to get me started?


Mac has java charts and Android charts with alerts. You should be able to set alert on Stochastic and MACD hstogram and other indicators' levels. They ave sound and email alert. The only problem s that the chart should remain opened on your computer or android.

I'm not sure about alert on MACD Histogram changing direction. In order to set an alert on MACD Histogram changing direction you should
1. apply MA on MACD Histogram
2. calculate difference between MACD Histogram and MA received in #1
3. set alert when the result from #2 crosses 0 (zero line)
For this particular case you should look for a provider who has Histogram applied on MACD Histogram. Plus this provider should have system of alerts. has java charts and Android charts with alerts. You should be able to set alert on Stochastic and MACD hstogram and other indicators' levels. They ave sound and email alert. The only problem s that the chart should remain opened on your computer or android.

I'm not sure about alert on MACD Histogram changing direction. In order to set an alert on MACD Histogram changing direction you should
1. apply MA on MACD Histogram
2. calculate difference between MACD Histogram and MA received in #1
3. set alert when the result from #2 crosses 0 (zero line)
For this particular case you should look for a provider who has Histogram applied on MACD Histogram. Plus this provider should have system of alerts.

Thank you Vicorka

Any updates to your last answer?